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Created July 22, 2012 15:36
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scala functions
class CC[T] { def unapply(a:Any):Option[T] = Some(a.asInstanceOf[T]) }
object M extends CC[Map[String, Any]]
object L extends CC[List[Any]]
object S extends CC[String]
object D extends CC[Double]
object B extends CC[Boolean]
for {
Some(M(map)) <- List(JSON.parseFull(jsonString))
//这里的<- 和 = 会调用unapply
L(languages) = map("languages")
M(language) <- languages
S(name) = language("name")
B(active) = language("is_active")
D(completeness) = language("completeness")
} yield {
(name, active, completeness)
//another example
"jack" match { case S(x)=>println(x)}
//curried 2.9.x
def say(a:Int,b:Int) = a+b //函数
val fun = say(2,_:Int) //函数值Int=>Int<function1>
val cud = (say(_:Int,_:Int)).curried
val say2 = Function.uncurried(cud)
var i = new Interpreter(new Settings(str => println(str)))
i.interpret("class Test { def hello = \"Hello World\"}")
scala> var res = Array[AnyRef](null)
scala> i.bind("result", "Array[AnyRef]", res)
scala> i.interpret("result(0) = new Test")
scala> res
res11: Array[AnyRef] = Array(Test@2a871dcc)
var res = Array[(Int,Int)=>Int](null)
i.bind("result", "Array[(Int,Int)=>Int]", res)
i.interpret("result(0) ={def say(a:Int,b:Int) = a+b; say _}")
import scalaz._
import scalaz._
import scalaz.effects._
object TheIO extends App {
val dirInIO = io { new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")) }
def filesInIO = for (dir <- dirInIO) yield dir.listFiles()
def namesInIO = for (theFiles ← filesInIO) yield
def printNamesInIO = for (all ← namesInIO) yield
val result = printNamesInIO
println("Nothings happened yet, lets go!")
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