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Last active February 7, 2024 19:27
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from typing import List
from ..component import Component
from ...state import AllState, VehicleState, EntityRelation, EntityRelationEnum, Path, Trajectory, Route, ObjectFrameEnum
from ...utils import serialization
from ...mathutils.transforms import vector_madd, vector_dist
import math
import numpy as np
# Two helper functions to get plaaning time
# Should be moved to mathutils?
def solve_quadratic(a, b, c):
# Calculate the discriminant
discriminant = b**2 - 4*a*c
# Check if the discriminant is positive, negative, or zero
if discriminant >= 0:
# Two real and distinct roots
root1 = (-b + math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2*a)
root2 = (-b - math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2*a)
return root1, root2
raise ValueError('Discriminant should not be negative')
def get_time_by_formula(acceleration, speed, dist):
# formula: 1/2at^2 + vt - dist = 0
print('acceleration: {}, speed: {}, dist: {}'.format(acceleration, speed, dist))
time, _ = solve_quadratic(0.5*acceleration, speed, -dist)
return time
def longitudinal_plan(path: Path, acceleration: float, deceleration: float, max_speed: float, current_speed: float) -> Trajectory:
"""Generates a longitudinal trajectory for a path with a
trapezoidal velocity profile.
1. accelerates from current speed toward max speed
2. travel along max speed
3. if at any point you can't brake before hitting the end of the path,
decelerate with accel = -deceleration until velocity goes to 0.
path_normalized = path.arc_length_parameterize()
# TODO: actually do something to points and times
points = [p for p in path_normalized.points]
times = [t for t in path_normalized.times]
print('(longitudinal_plan) input current_speed:', current_speed)
print("(longitudinal_plan) before_points:", points)
print("(longitudinal_plan) before_times:", times)
def distance(p1, p2):
return math.sqrt((p2[0] - p1[0]) ** 2 + (p2[1] - p1[1]) ** 2)
# Condition 1: Hitting the end of the path,
# decelerate with accel = -deceleration until velocity goes to 0.
if len(points) < 3: # less than 3 waypoints, begin to decelerate (design by ourselves)
traj = longitudinal_brake(path, deceleration, current_speed)
# Condition 2: travel along the current speed
elif acceleration == 0.0:
current_speed = min(current_speed, max_speed)
traj = path.arc_length_parameterize(speed=current_speed)
# Condition 3: accelerates from current speed toward max speed. Then travel along max speed
time_reach_max_speed = (max_speed - current_speed) / acceleration
dist_reach_max_speed = (
max_speed + current_speed) / 2 * time_reach_max_speed
update_times = times.copy()
# bug in GemStack code? (len(points) != len(times))
N = min(len(points), len(times))
print('dist_reach_max_speed:', dist_reach_max_speed)
print('time_reach_max_speed:', time_reach_max_speed)
for i in range(1, N):
dist = distance(points[0], points[i])
# reach max speed, then travel along max speed
if dist > dist_reach_max_speed:
time = time_reach_max_speed + \
(dist - dist_reach_max_speed) / max_speed
time = get_time_by_formula(acceleration, current_speed, dist)
update_times[i] = time # update planning time
traj = Trajectory(path.frame, points, update_times)
print("(longitudinal_plan) update_points:", traj.points)
print("(longitudinal_plan) update_times:", traj.times)
return traj
def longitudinal_brake(path: Path, deceleration: float, current_speed: float) -> Trajectory:
"""Generates a longitudinal trajectory for braking along a path."""
path_normalized = path.arc_length_parameterize()
# TODO: actually do something to points and times
points = [p for p in path_normalized.points]
times = [t for t in path_normalized.times]
def distance(p1, p2):
return math.sqrt((p2[0] - p1[0]) ** 2 + (p2[1] - p1[1]) ** 2)
# if len(times) > 1:
# current_speed = min(current_speed, max_speed)
# current_speed = max(current_speed - deceleration * times[1], 0)
# print('(longitudinal_brake) times[1]:', times[1])
if current_speed <= 0:
return Trajectory(path, [points[0]] * len(points), times)
time_to_stop = (current_speed) / deceleration
dist_to_stop = (current_speed) / 2 * time_to_stop
update_times = times.copy()
update_points = points.copy()
print('(longitudinal_brake) input current_speed:', current_speed)
print("(longitudinal_brake) before_points:", points)
print("(longitudinal_brake) before_times:", times)
# bug in GemStack code? (len(points) != len(times))
N = min(len(points), len(times))
for i in range(1, N):
dist = distance(points[0], points[i])
# reach speed zero, then?
if dist > dist_to_stop:
# time = math.inf
update_points[i] = (points[0][0] + dist_to_stop, 0)
# current_speed = max(current_speed, 0)
time = get_time_by_formula(-deceleration, current_speed, dist)
update_times[i] = time # update planning time
print("(longitudinal_brake) update_points:", update_points)
print("(longitudinal_brake) update_times:", update_times)
print('(longitudinal_brake) deceleration:', deceleration)
print('(longitudinal_brake) current_speed:', current_speed)
return Trajectory(path.frame, update_points, update_times)
class YieldTrajectoryPlanner(Component):
"""Follows the given route. Brakes if you have to yield or
you are at the end of the route, otherwise accelerates to
the desired speed.
def __init__(self):
self.route_progress = None
self.t_last = None
self.acceleration = 0.5
self.desired_speed = 1.0
self.deceleration = 2.0
def state_inputs(self):
return ['all']
def state_outputs(self) -> List[str]:
return ['trajectory']
def rate(self):
return 10.0
def update(self, state: AllState):
vehicle = state.vehicle # type: VehicleState
route = state.route # type: Route
t = state.t
if self.t_last is None:
self.t_last = t
dt = t - self.t_last
curr_x = vehicle.pose.x
curr_y = vehicle.pose.y
curr_v = vehicle.v
# figure out where we are on the route
if self.route_progress is None:
self.route_progress = 0.0
closest_dist, closest_parameter = state.route.closest_point_local(
(curr_x, curr_y), [self.route_progress-5.0, self.route_progress+5.0])
self.route_progress = closest_parameter
# extract out a 10m segment of the route
route_with_lookahead = route.trim(
closest_parameter, closest_parameter+10.0)
# parse the relations indicated
should_brake = False
for r in state.relations:
if r.type == EntityRelationEnum.YIELDING and r.obj1 == '':
# yielding to something, brake
should_brake = True
should_accelerate = (not should_brake and curr_v < self.desired_speed)
# choose whether to accelerate, brake, or keep at current velocity
if should_accelerate:
traj = longitudinal_plan(
route_with_lookahead, self.acceleration, self.deceleration, self.desired_speed, curr_v)
elif should_brake:
curr_v = min(curr_v, self.desired_speed)
traj = longitudinal_brake(
route_with_lookahead, self.deceleration, curr_v)
traj = longitudinal_plan(
route_with_lookahead, 0.0, self.deceleration, self.desired_speed, curr_v)
return traj
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