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Created January 30, 2020 17:21
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$cart_update_string = "https://" . $store_domain . "/cart?cart=update&fcsid=" . $fcsid . "&output=json";
// loop our matches and rebuild query
foreach ( $matched_products as $key ) {
$item = $cart_contents['items'][$key];
$item_id = $item['id'];
$index = $key+1;
$options_array = array();
foreach ( $item['options'] as $option ) {
$options_array[$index . ':' . $option['name']] = $option['value'];
$product_array = array(
$index . ':name' => $item['name'],
$index . ':price' => $item['base_price'],
$index . ':image' => $item['image'],
$index . ':code' => $item['code'],
$index . ':quantity' => $item['quantity'],
$index . ':quantity_max' => $item['quantity_max'],
$index . ':category' => $item['category'],
$index . ':weight' => $item['weight_each'],
$index . ':Has_Discount_Applied' => true,
$product_array = array_merge($product_array, $options_array);
$cart_update_string .= http_build_query($product_array) . "&{$index}:" . $discount_string;
// re-add eligible products with discount
$updated_cart = wp_remote_get($cart_update_string);
$updated_cart_contents = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $updated_cart ), true );
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