Times are seconds required to store a file.
File size GridFS avg Lobject avg Lobject diff
========== ============== =========== ============
1k 0.0017968 0.0002748 85%
10k 0.00180485 0.0003415 81%
1M 0.00667265 0.00271265 59%
10M 0.04660705 0.0214903 54%
50M 0.22207705 0.1296414 42%
(Courtesy of ministat.)
$ python benchmark-storage.py 1024 20
$ ministat -c99 -w74 gridfs-1k-20.txt lobject-1k-20.txt
x gridfs-1k-20.txt
+ lobject-1k-20.txt
| + |
| + |
| + |
| + |
| + |
| + |
| ++ |
| ++ |
| ++ + x |
| ++ + x x |
| ++ + + x xxxx x x xx x xx xx x x x|
||__M_A___| |________M_A__________| |
N Min Max Median Avg Stddev
x 20 0.001297 0.00286 0.0017275 0.0017968 0.000412761
+ 20 0.000199 0.000995 0.000227 0.0002748 0.00017411327
Difference at 99.0% confidence
-0.001522 +/- 0.000271665
-84.7061% +/- 15.1194%
(Student's t, pooled s = 0.00031677)
$ python benchmark-storage.py 10240 20
$ ministat -c99 -w74 gridfs-10k-20.txt lobject-10k-20.txt
x gridfs-10k-20.txt
+ lobject-10k-20.txt
|+ |
|+ |
|+ + |
|+ ++ + x |
|++++ + x x x |
|+++++++ x x xxxx xxxxx xx x x x|
||_A_| |_______M__A__________| |
N Min Max Median Avg Stddev
x 20 0.001258 0.00316 0.0017045 0.00180485 0.00042674154
+ 20 0.000253 0.000498 0.0003245 0.0003415 7.8833268e-05
Difference at 99.0% confidence
-0.00146335 +/- 0.000263164
-81.0788% +/- 14.5809%
(Student's t, pooled s = 0.000306857)
$ python benchmark-storage.py 1048576 20
$ ministat -c99 -w74 gridfs-1M-20.txt lobject-1M-20.txt
x gridfs-1M-20.txt
+ lobject-1M-20.txt
| + |
| + |
| ++ x |
| ++ x |
| ++ x x x |
| ++++ x x x x |
|+++++ ++ + xxx x xxx xxx x|
||_MA_| |______M_A_______| |
N Min Max Median Avg Stddev
x 20 0.005882 0.010248 0.0064845 0.00667265 0.00093660683
+ 20 0.002418 0.003446 0.0026345 0.00271265 0.0002695611
Difference at 99.0% confidence
-0.00396 +/- 0.000591034
-59.3467% +/- 8.85756%
(Student's t, pooled s = 0.000689165)
$ python benchmark-storage.py 10485760 20
$ ministat -c99 -w74 gridfs-10M-20.txt lobject-10M-20.txt
x gridfs-10M-20.txt
+ lobject-10M-20.txt
| + |
| + |
| ++ |
| ++ |
| ++ |
| ++ x |
|+++ xxx |
|+++ xxx x |
|++++ xxx x x x xxx x x x|
| A| |___M____A________| |
N Min Max Median Avg Stddev
x 20 0.042279 0.058557 0.0440435 0.04660705 0.0046465036
+ 20 0.020823 0.022263 0.0215675 0.0214903 0.00034488108
Difference at 99.0% confidence
-0.0251167 +/- 0.00282549
-53.8905% +/- 6.06237%
(Student's t, pooled s = 0.00329461)
$ python benchmark-storage.py 52428800 20
$ ministat -c99 -w74 gridfs-50M-20.txt lobject-50M-20.txt
x gridfs-50M-20.txt
+ lobject-50M-20.txt
| + |
|++ x |
|++ x |
|++ + + x x x x |
|++ + ++++++++ xxxxxx x xxx x x x x|
| |________A_________| |______M_A_______| |
N Min Max Median Avg Stddev
x 20 0.201251 0.269507 0.2179865 0.22207705 0.019609101
+ 20 0.10715 0.157961 0.1285205 0.1296414 0.021250329
Difference at 99.0% confidence
-0.0924356 +/- 0.0175349
-41.6232% +/- 7.89584%
(Student's t, pooled s = 0.0204462)
Have you tried benchmarking using GridFS streaming api (upload_from_stream , download_to_stream)?