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Last active October 31, 2016 10:43
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$startTime = (Get-Date -Hour 00 -Minute 00 -Second 00 -Day 01 -Month 07 -Year 2013)
$endTime = (Get-Date -Hour 00 -Minute 00 -Second 00 -Day 01 -Month 07 -Year 2014)
$exportFile = "C:\temp\calendar-export.csv"
$outlook = new-object -com outlook.application;
$mapi = $outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI");
$mailboxlist = $mapi.Folders
foreach ($mailbox in $mailboxlist) {
$MailboxName = $mailbox.Name
if ($mailboxname -notlike 'Mailbox -*' -and $mailboxname -notlike 'Personal*') {
write-host $MailboxName -ForegroundColor Red
if ($mailbox.Folders.Item("Calendar").Items) {
write-host "Found calendar - exporting items..."
$calitems = $mailbox.Folders.Item("Calendar").Items
$calItems.IncludeRecurrences = $true
$dateRange = "[End] >= '{0}' AND [Start] <= '{1}'" -f $startTime.ToString("g"), $endTime.ToString("g")
$calExport = $calItems.Restrict($dateRange)
$calCombined += $calExport | select @{Name='MeetingRoom';Expression={$mailboxname}}, Subject, StartUTC, EndUTC, Duration, Organizer, RequiredAttendees, IsRecurring
$calCombined | select MeetingRoom, Subject, StartUTC, EndUTC, Duration, Organizer, RequiredAttendees, IsRecurring | sort MeetingRoom,StartUTC -Descending | Export-Csv $exportFile -NoType
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