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Created February 22, 2016 22:10
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Kotlin Brown Bag
Kotlin! (
// Kotlin is...
// A Statically typed programming language
// for the JVM,
// Android
// and the browser
// Kotlin is...
// Simple, Concise, Expressive, Safe
/***** Variables ******/
val firstName: String = "Luke"
val lastName = "Skywalker" // `String` type is inferred
val immutableInt = 20 // `val` is immutable
var mutableInt = 55 // `var` is mutable
/***** Functions ******/
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
return a + b
// Same function with an
// expression body and inferred return type
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
fun createJedi(name: String, saberColor: Int = Color.GREEN): Jedi {
createJedi("Yoda") // uses default param for saberColor
createJedi("Kylo Ren", Color.RED)
createJedi(saberColor = Color.BLUE, name = "Rey") // Named params!
/***** Types ******/
val string: String = "Hello"
val int: Int = 1
val float: Float = 1.f
val double: Double = 1.0
// Nullables (Safety!)
var a: String = "Alderaan"
a = null // Compilation error
a.length // OK
// Nullable Type (?)
var b: String? = "Tatooine"
b = null // OK
b.length // Compilation error: `b` could be null
b?.length // OK: Safe operator call on length
// Optional listener
// `elvis operator` ?: allows for default value
val likeCount = comment?.likes ?: 0
val user: User? = User()
// Smart Cast
if(user != null) { // compiler knows user isn't null, `?` isn't needed
} else {
// if-let
user?.let {
/***** String templates ******/
val name = "Kylo"
var message = "Hello my name is $name"
val jedi = Jedi()
val message = "I have ${ jedi.computePower() } jedi power points."
/***** Classes ******/
class Person(val firstName: String) {
// Extends User
class Person(val firstName: String): User {
// Extends User, implements Listener
class Person(val firstName: String): User, Listener {
// `data` gives equals(), hashCode(), toString(), copy() for free!
data class Person(val firstName: String)
/***** Singletons (Objects) ******/
// Thread safe, simple declaration
object DeathStar {
val deathRay = DeathRay()
val passengers = 10000
fun destroyPlanet(planet: Planet) {
// Kaboom!
/***** Operator overloading ******/
a + b --->
/***** Ranges ******/
for (i in 1..4) print(i) // prints "1234"
/***** Lambdas (Function literals, Closures) ******/
// Function Types
val sum: (Int, Int) -> Int = { x, y -> x + y }
val sum = { x: Int, y: Int -> x + y }
val result = sum(1, 1) // 2
// Funtion Literals
list.filter { it > 0 } // '(it: Int) -> Boolean'
// Higher Order Function (Takes function as an input)
fun doSomethingAmazing(input: String, done: (String) -> Unit) {
done("Amazing: $input")
// Simple API for async operations
fun upload(value: String, done: (res: Response?, err: Error?) -> Unit) {
// Do something amazing and async...
asyncOperation {
done(response, error)
// Java
List<String> list = Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3", "4");
Integer maxValue = null;
for(String item : list){
Integer value = Integer.parseInt(item);
Integer doubledValue = value * 2;
if(doubledValue < 6) {
if(maxValue == null){
maxValue = doubledValue;
} else {
maxValue = (doubledValue > maxValue) ? doubledValue : maxValue;
// Kotlin
val list = listOf("1", "2", "3", "4")
val max = { it.toInt() * 2 } .filter { it < 6 } .max()
/***** Extension Functions ******/
// Add functionality to existing types
fun String.toURI(): Uri {
return Uri.parse(this)
val uri = "".toURI()
fun Double.clamp(min: Double, max: Double): Double {
return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, this))
val percentage = 1.5
val clamped = percentage.clamp(0.0, 1.0) // 1.0
// If there is an API/SDK that is too verbose
// or you just don't like it, CHANGE IT
/***** Delegate Properties ******/
// Only allocates `lazyValue` when it is referenced
val lazyValue: String by lazy {
// Prints a the change each time counter is updated
var counter: Int by Delegates.observable(0) { prop, old, new ->
println("$old -> $new")
// Only sets username to new value if it is not empty
var username: String by Delegates.vetoable("None") { prop, oldName, newName ->
// Custom Delegate Properties
var rememberPin: Boolean by Cacheable("rememberPin", false)
// Dependency Injection
val mongoTemplate: MongoTemplate by Injector()
/***** When Statement ******/
// `when` == switch + AWESOME
ButtonState.GONE -> setupGoneButton(duration)
ButtonState.BEGIN -> setupStartButton(duration)
ButtonState.PROGRESS -> setupProgress()
ButtonState.SUCCESS -> setupSuccessButton()
val iconId = when {
link.contains("twitter", true) -> R.drawable.twitter
link.contains("facebook", true) -> R.drawable.facebook
link.contains("linkedin", true) -> R.drawable.linkedin
link.contains("pinterest", true) -> R.drawable.pinterest
link.contains("skype", true) ->
else -> R.drawable.blank
when (x) {
in 1..10 -> print("x is in the range")
in validNumbers -> print("x is valid")
!in 10..20 -> print("x is outside the range")
else -> print("none of the above")
// `when` as function statement
fun transform(color: String) = when (color) {
"Red" -> Color.RED
"Green" -> Color.GREEN
"Blue" -> Color.BLUE
else -> Color.TRANSPARENT
// Instance type checking
val message: Any = messages.get(position)
when(message) {
is ReceiptMessage -> print("ReceiptMessage")
is PaymentMessage -> print("ProvisioningMessage")
is ErrorMessage -> print("ErrorMessage")
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