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Created August 31, 2024 21:17
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Clojure / RocksDB Java interop examples
(ns com.biffweb.impl.index
(:require [taoensso.nippy :as nippy])
(:import java.util.Map
( Closeable File)
(java.nio.file Files Path)
(org.rocksdb BlockBasedTableConfig Checkpoint CompressionType FlushOptions LRUCache
DBOptions Options ReadOptions RocksDB RocksIterator
WriteBatchWithIndex WriteBatch WriteOptions Statistics StatsLevel
ColumnFamilyOptions ColumnFamilyDescriptor ColumnFamilyHandle BloomFilter))
;; need to close
(def cf-opts (.optimizeUniversalStyleCompaction (ColumnFamilyOptions.)))
(def cf-descriptors (java.util.ArrayList. [(ColumnFamilyDescriptor. RocksDB/DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY cf-opts)
(ColumnFamilyDescriptor. (.getBytes "cf-1") cf-opts)
(ColumnFamilyDescriptor. (.getBytes "cf-2") cf-opts)]))
;; need to close (before the db)
(def cf-handles (java.util.ArrayList.))
;; need to close
(def db-options (.. (DBOptions.)
(setCreateIfMissing true)
(setCreateMissingColumnFamilies true)))
;; need to close
(def db (RocksDB/open db-options "rocksdb-index-test" cf-descriptors cf-handles))
(def id->handle (into {}
(map (fn [cf-handle]
[(String. (.getName cf-handle)) cf-handle]))
(.put db (id->handle "cf-1") (.getBytes "foo") (.getBytes "bar"))
(String. (.get db (id->handle "cf-1") (.getBytes "foo")))
(.put db (id->handle "cf-2") (.getBytes "foo") (.getBytes "quux"))
(String. (.get db (id->handle "cf-2") (.getBytes "foo")))
(.dropColumnFamily db (id->handle "cf-1"))
(.close (id->handle "cf-1"))
(def new-handle (.createColumnFamily db (ColumnFamilyDescriptor. (.getBytes "cf-1") cf-opts)))
(def id->handle (assoc id->handle "cf-1" new-handle))
(with-open [batch (WriteBatch.)
write-options (WriteOptions.)]
(.put batch (id->handle "cf-1") (.getBytes "a") (.getBytes "b"))
(.put batch (id->handle "cf-1") (.getBytes "c") (.getBytes "d"))
(.write db write-options batch)
(String. (.get db (id->handle "cf-1") (.getBytes "a")))
(String. (.get db (id->handle "cf-1") (.getBytes "c")))
(mapv #(String. %) (.multiGetAsList db
(java.util.ArrayList. [(id->handle "cf-1") (id->handle "cf-1")])
(java.util.ArrayList. [(.getBytes "a") (.getBytes "c")])))
;; need to close
(def snapshot (.getSnapshot db))
;; need to close
(def read-options (doto (ReadOptions.) (.setSnapshot snapshot)))
(String. (.get db (id->handle "cf-1") (.getBytes "foo")))
(String. (.get db (id->handle "cf-1") read-options (.getBytes "foo")))
(.put db (id->handle "cf-1") (.getBytes "foo") (.getBytes "abc"))
(.close read-options)
(.releaseSnapshot db snapshot)
(.close snapshot)
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