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Created August 31, 2024 20:52
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Some index code from Yakread
(defattr newsletter-subs :user/email-subscriptions [:vector :biff.attr/ref]
{:biff.attr/input [:xt/id]
:biff.attr/output [{:user/email-subscriptions [:sub/user
(fn [{:keys [biff.index/snapshots]} {user-id :xt/id}]
(->> (q (:subscriptions snapshots)
'{:find (pull sub [*])
:in [user]
:where [[sub :sub/user user]]}
(remove (fn [{:keys [sub/hidden sub/total]}]
(= hidden total)))
(defn email-indexer [{:biff.index/keys [get-doc op doc]}]
(and (= op ::xt/put) ( doc))
(let [{:keys [
item/author-name]} doc
item-id (:xt/id doc)
sub-id {:sub/user user :sub/newsletter author-name}
old-sub (get-doc sub-id)
last-published-ms (or (some-> (:sub/last-published old-sub) inst-ms) 0)
new-sub (merge {:xt/id sub-id
:sub/user user
:sub/newsletter author-name
:sub/kind :sub.kind/email
:sub/pinned false}
(when (< last-published-ms (inst-ms (:item/fetched-at doc)))
{:sub/last-published (:item/fetched-at doc)
:sub/total (inc (:sub/total old-sub 0))}))
item-exists (some? (get-doc item-id))
item-state-id {:item-state/user user :item-state/item item-id}
old-state (when item-exists
(get-doc item-state-id))
new-state (merge {:xt/id item-state-id}
{:item-state/hidden (boolean hidden)})
hidden-changed (not= (boolean (:item-state/hidden old-state))
(boolean hidden))
read? (fn [{:item-state/keys [read hidden]}]
(boolean (or read hidden)))
read-changed (not= (read? old-state) (read? new-state))
new-sub (cond-> new-sub
hidden-changed (update :sub/hidden (fnil + 0) (if hidden 1 -1))
read-changed (update :sub/read (fnil + 0) (if (read? new-state) 1 -1)))]
(concat (when (not= old-sub new-sub)
[[::xt/put new-sub]])
(when-not item-exists
[[::xt/put (select-keys doc [:xt/id :item/author-name])]])))
(and (= op ::xt/put) (:pinned/user doc))
(let [{:keys [pinned/newsletters pinned/user xt/id]} doc
old-newsletters (:pinned/newsletters (get-doc id) #{})
new-pins (set/difference newsletters old-newsletters)
deleted-pins (set/difference old-newsletters newsletters)]
(for [[pinned coll] [[true new-pins]
[false deleted-pins]]
newsletter coll
:let [sub-id {:sub/user user :sub/newsletter newsletter}
old-sub (get-doc sub-id)]
:when old-sub]
[::xt/put (assoc old-sub :sub/pinned pinned)]))
(:rec/user doc)
(let [{:keys [rec/user] item-id :rec/item} doc
item-state-id {:item-state/user user :item-state/item item-id}
old-state (get-doc item-state-id)
read-state (= op ::xt/put)
new-state (merge {:xt/id item-state-id}
{:item-state/read read-state})
changed (not= read-state (boolean (:item-state/read old-state)))
item (get-doc item-id)
sub-id {:sub/user user :sub/newsletter (:item/author-name item)}
old-sub (get-doc sub-id)
read? (fn [{:item-state/keys [read hidden]}]
(boolean (or read hidden)))
read-changed (not= (read? old-state) (read? new-state))
new-sub (cond-> old-sub
read-changed (update :sub/read (fnil (if read-state inc dec) 0)))]
(concat (when (not= old-state new-state)
[[::xt/put new-state]])
(when (and old-sub read-changed)
[[::xt/put new-sub]])))))
(def module {:attrs [newsletter-subs]
:indexes [{:id :subscriptions
:indexer email-indexer
:version 0}]})
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