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Created June 1, 2014 16:05
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Partitions the disk for putting /Users on a separate partition
echo "Checking hard disk ID..."
hardDiskID=$(diskutil list | awk '/GUID_partition_scheme/ {print $5}')
echo "Checking if Users partition exists..."
# List the disks available and grep for Users
diskutil list | grep "Users HD"
# If the last command exits with status 1 (failed--meaning no Users partition was found), then
if [ $? = 1 ];then
echo -e "Creating Users and Recovery partitions...\n"
# Partition the disk with three partitions using GPT
# The first should be JHFS+, named Macintosh HD, and use the first 30% of the disk
# The second should be the same as above, but use 68%
# The last partition should use the Remainder of the disk
diskutil partitionDisk $hardDiskID 3 GPT JHFS+ "Macintosh HD" 30% JHFS+ "Users HD" 68% JHFS+ "Recovery HD" R;
echo "Users partition already changes made."
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