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Created March 9, 2015 16:17
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Add unlimited servers to the Connect To... menu in OS X
killall cfprefsd
echo "Setting servers for $plist"
echo "Removing previous entries..."
${bud} -c "Delete favoriteservers" ${plist}
echo "Creating new list..."
${bud} -c "Add favoriteservers:Controller string CustomListItems" ${plist}
${bud} -c "Add favoriteservers:CustomListItems array" ${plist}
for i in "${!servers[@]}"
echo "Adding to Favorite Servers: ${servers[$i]}..."
${bud} -c "Add favoriteservers:CustomListItems:$i:Name string ${servers[$i]}" ${plist}
${bud} -c "Add favoriteservers:CustomListItems:$i:URL string ${servers[$i]}" ${plist}
echo "Finalizing settings..."
killall cfprefsd
defaults read ${plist} favoriteservers > /dev/null
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