- EggHead has an actual name, but the community knows him as "Egghead" or EggHead as his monkier, so that will be used throughout. EggHead will not get timestamps, because he does not speak enough to warrant it and will be interrupted enough that it will be hard to track.
- The audio reference is from the YouTube video. The SoundCloud audio appears to be different and there seems to be edited from the video.
- Listening to the SoundCloud or iTunes has much less cringe than the video. It is recommended that you listen to the first half.
Ben: [5.00]
Hello! Welcome to the Drunken Peasants Podcast episode 275. [wrestling announcer shout] The war to settle the score!
[5.09] Ahhhhhhhh Yeah!
[5.14] The Drunken Peasants are making (Ben: Yes) America "great again" ya'll.
[5.17] And not only that, we are going to have [pause] the epic confrontation between Galen and EggHead in just a few minutes. I want to remind everyone that there is a link in the description to vote [closed] on who you think came out on top.
[5.32] There are already people who voted. (TJ: Yeah.) They must be (TJ: Yeah.) time travelers.
[5.34] ??? Cool.
[5.35] Travelers from (Ben: Something like that) the future.
[5.39] Hmm.
[3 second silence]
[5.43] Lets get them on.
[5.45] Lets get them on.
[5.48] Get these motherfuckers on the show.
[5.52] That fucking faggot Paul probably complaining about connection issues or something.
[3 second silence]
[6.00] Paul. Always complaining.
[6.02] [Singing] What you gonna be. Everything is in front of me.
[6.12] Ring. Upp. Paul. You['re not]? weakest link.
[EggHead unintelligible talking in background]
[6.18] Hold. Hold on everybody.
[6.19] Hold on a minute.
[6.21] [Yo|Sup]?.
[6.22] No one speak yet.
[6.25] We have to get all of your volume right.
[6.29] Making adjustments to the Skype.
There we are.
[6.36] [After seeing Galen's costume] Damn Galen! You ready. [Laughs]
[6.38] Right motherfucker.
[6.40] That is right motherfucker! [pause] Representin' 504.
[6.46] The people can't see this yet. So.
I'll just bring them on fullscreen.
Yeah, bring them on fullscreen.
That is cool.
[Egghead laughs -- probably after seeing Galen]
Make them the screen.
I am not feeling my best [today|TJ]?. So.
[7.02] Sorry.
These things happen.
Paul. Sorry for not being healthy today.
Blame me?
Paul is probably less healthy than you (Everybody: Yeah) dude.
Paul's average diet is, what, like what-a-burger and frozen pizza.
Paul. I seen...
I mean, I seen Paul go in my fridge and literally pull out a fucking stick of butter and just like, start eating it, you know.
[Galen interrupted, but it was unintelligible.]
Yeah, I have seen that a few times at least.
If there is nothing else around. I mean, butter is good. (Scotty: Is good.)
[Redneck accent] It is good eatin's man.
What. What about peanut butter?
I'll eat that too.
Note: Please see the look on Galen's and Paul's face after the question.
[7:40] Alright. So. Uh. I am just going to fuckin' recap what is going on for the people who are confused about what what (sic) this is. So basically, um to get everyone up to speed. Egghead here, uh, started a gofundme, um, saying, you know, "we have expenses" and you know, "We are broke and" um "We got legal expenses too." And uh, a lot of people were kind of curious, "What are these legal expenses?" and it came to light that the legal expenses were from uh, Egghead's fiancé, uh, a few years back was working at a daycare center ended up hitting some kid. Getting some, uh, pleaing guilty to injury to, uh, a child (Ben: A felony) over. Yeah. A third class felony (Scotty: third degree felony), third degree felony.
Note: If you watch the video, during TJ's monologue, Galen was pretty entertaining with his hand movements. It should also be noted that he did not speak once during the summary.
That is what it said on the charge.
Note: During the time TJ was giving the summary, Egghead was looking off to one side. Obviously uncomfortable and the statement of acknowledgement of fact is worth noting here.
Yeah. So um. [Pause] It was actually Galen who brought that, information, to, my attention, because he is the investigative journalist of YouTube.
He is probably the only investigative journalist left on Earth actually. [Egghead laughs]
Because he seems like he can actually dig and find shit. And uh...
I do well on Steve Shives too. Don't I?
Note: Is Galen's question explained anywhere? I am guessing this was a discussion outside the podcast, but may have been on other non-DP podcasts.
...He has long ears and a long tongue, he says. (Galen: Yeah) So, um, I don't know who we start with. Do we get Egghead's, uh, side first?
(Galen: [Shrugs])
Egghead, why don't you tell us your your (sic) version of shit and we'll have Galen come on...
That sounds good.
...offer up what he's got.
[9:25] You have the floor, sir.
[9:28] Well, basically, I start. Like I-I say we started the gofundme. Was not my original... It was basically. Both me and Rybi idea to basically start the gofundme to start, basically, everything on the ball. I am not denying (Galen: [waves at camera]) that. I-I o-omitted the thing, (Galen: [waves at camera]) because I thought it would be... I omit. I omit.
Because I thought. I thought was basically personal information. [Pause] That is why. [Pause] Because I thought ??? personal stuff, personal information that like, you know, people did not know about it. Do I see why [unintelligible] shit. Yeah. Of course I do. But now...
Why did you omit it? So it is personal. Why did you omit it?
Note: Not sure what Galen is asking here. I am guessing his point, and he will get in to it later, but he is saying and asking for clarification on why Egghead would ask for money, but leave out the part explaining why he was asking for money.
Because. I thought no one should, like, understand, like, what she has been through.
Note: What the fuck? Okay, so the understanding here is that Egghead is defending his girl. People do it all of the time for worse reasons.
Galen. I thought that she shouldn't be like dragged through the dirt, because she has already been through that shit.
We are not talking about dragging through the dirt. You are asking for money. Explain why you were omitting information.
Very simple. Cummon [come on]. Spit it out.
The reason why. [Exasperated sigh]
Cummon [come on]. It is okay. [Pause] It is okay kid.
Fullscreen that shit.
It is alright. Go. [Claps]
I wasn't trying to fucking scam anyone.
I know. Let's [just]? stick... Let's not get into apologetics. Lets stick to what the question is. You were explaining why you omitted information.
Because I thought. I believed it was personal information that I should [say|stay]? it personal information. Now that I see (Galen: Why?) Because something that obviously the people are going to think that she is horrible horrible human being.
Why would they think that?
Because they are going to see the fucking charge and they are going to think, "Oh she is a horrible human being." That is why.
That is not necessarily true.
I mean, people do make mistakes and some worse than others.
Uhhuh, yeah. Come on and explain why you had to omit though. Rybi and whoever else. Your ilk.
Explain yourself. That is what you are here to do. You wanted this opportunity. Here you go. Just do it.
I am trying to. Geesh.
You are not doing a very good job.
It-It was her (Galen: Do it) past.
[4 second silence]
Ante up or shut the fuck up.
[4 second silence]
[12:03] Why don't you like his answer? Why don't you like his answer to the question Galen?
He is not explaining it. He is going into apologetics.
I am not going into apologetics.
Note: Galen might be using misleading tactics. Technically, Egghead is doing apologetics, but in the sense of anyone defending themselves, they would be doing apologetics. The problem might be the use of the apologetics in the negative connotation for defending religion and not the Greek historical definition. That is to say, that apologetics itself is not necessarily a bad thing, in and of itself.
Yes. You...
I am not doing anything like that.
I am answering TJ. This is what was going on. It is like why would you omit personal information? Why would that be? Just get to the cause of what you were doing and what was going on. Explain yourself and your side of the story and he has a hard time of doing it.
Note: This I think is where people might have turned on Galen. It is obvious looking at the video that Egghead is very emotional and on the verge of tears. Some people have a difficult time thinking when they are that emotional and some people don't understand what you want to get out of an explanation. Galen never explained what he wanted from Egghead and in posing his explanation to TJ instead and using it as "evidence" of Egghead's "lying" was a dick move.
Which, it seems like he has had a hard time doing the whole time. Which fits with his history.
Note: Does Galen think that Egghead is some genius mastermind or is he talking about past omissions and using logical fallacies to defend his position?
And the history of his ilk as well.
So, what you are saying his history, so, so, (TJ: What ilk is that?)
He has talked about, just mentioned, he has got help from other people and uh, he has like (Paul: I mean), lets call them the egg carton. Let's just call them the egg carton.
Yeah, the egg carton.
Okay. I don't know that Egghead has ilk. [Laughs]
Sadly it is true. It is. It is more like a rotten egg carton, but it is okay.
Egghead knows this. This is why he doesn't want to speak about it. You can go on. Let's see if he can try to explain.
[13:17] Because, I just. I wanted to. Just. I. Because. It should. (Galen: [Mimes crying]) It should just stayed in the past. It should have stayed in the past. That is all it should have stayed.
Note: This is the motherfucker who wants money to pay for the same shit that he wants to stay in the past. If he wanted it to stay in the past, he should have not brought it up in the gofundme. He should have been honest with the people of his "ilk" and his fiance should have told him the truth. He should have done a lot of things, but Scotty and Galen are right. When you ask for money for a thing that happened in the past, you better believe that thing is going to come to light. Especially, when you try to keep it in the dark.
Well, the problem with that is. The problem with what you are saying and I-I get what you are saying being dragged through the mud, sure that does happen to people. Of course, no one is going to deny that uh, for a second. But, Rybi wrote this and the text she wrote she said, "Legal expenses" so at the same time, you are asking for money for legal expenses which are tied to this charge so therefore it is relevant and contextual to say what these legal expenses are.
Also, It's, It's. I know you wanted to keep it private but criminal records are public. So...
I-I-I I can totally understand that.
Note: Highly doubtful. Okay, if he understood, he wouldn't be fucking defending his fiance. It is understandable why he is defending his fiance. If he understood what the problem was that Galen and DP had he would have came on and said, "I was wrong, it shouldn't have happened and it won't happen again. I wanted to protect my fiance, but I should never have asked the DP fanbase or my own fanbase for the money. I am sorry." I think this is what Galen wanted and never got. What he saw was a man-baby trying to explain away and not understanding that what he did was wrong and why. Egghead probably still doesn't understand and just trying to get back into the good graces of the DP audience.
I totally understand that there ??? [conviction?]
Note: Motherfucker. If I understand the body language and words (and part was cut off when Paul started talking). I believe what Egghead understands is that the problem is other people. He still doesn't believe what his fiance did was wrong. Doesn't believe she should have been charged and shouldn't have to pay court fees. The problem is not with his fiance, the problem is with the rules and terms that govern the penalty that his fiance had to contend with to be part of society again.
Egghead doesn't understand anything.
So, here. Let me ask a question. Um, so Egghead, uh, put this thing up, it was brought to light that there was a child abuse charge involved. Egghead pulled down the gofundme and to my knowledge has refunded (Egghead: I did) the people that donated to him.
So hold on. Well, okay. So why he did it is kind of irrelevant, um (Galen: I think it is). But why all the acrimony still. The crazyness on Twitter and all the wild argumentation.
Like. Look he stopped. He refunded the money.
Who is doing wild argumentation?
Well. Like. People...
Not me.
People have been, like. I don't know. I haven't been following it super close, but Twitter has been nothing but this Egghead drama for me for the last 24 hours.
[14:56] I got people hitting me up, asking me about stuff.
Sure. Understandable. What. I guess my question is, so, what further is there to do here? [Pause] He removed the gofundme.
To that point. He removed it, when he was confronted with this information.
Is that true? Is that what you are saying why you. Why did you take it down? Let's get to the facts right from the source here.