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Created December 26, 2013 21:28
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  • Save jacquarg/8138932 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jacquarg/8138932 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Append a new public key to authorized_key. Useable with git-shell, (putted in git-shell-commands). Forked from .
# Read in the SSH key
echo "Input the key to be added:"
read key
# Place the key in a temporary file (it's hard to get ssh-keygen
# to read from stdin; <<< works for bash, but is non-posix)
keyfile=$(tempfile) &&\
echo "$key" > $keyfile
# Generate a fingerprint
fingerprint=$(ssh-keygen -lf $keyfile)
# Check for errors
if [ $(echo "$fingerprint" | egrep -c '(R|D)SA') -eq 0 ]
# Display the fingerprint error and clean up
echo "Error: $fingerprint"
rm $keyfile
exit 1
# Add the key to the authorised keys file and clean up
mkdir -p .ssh &&\
echo -n "no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding " >> .ssh/authorized_keys &&\
cat $keyfile >> .ssh/authorized_keys
rm $keyfile
# Display the fingerprint for reference
echo "Success! Added a key with the following fingerprint:"
echo $fingerprint
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