Like last year I am planning to visit many of the BBQ joints in Saint Louis, most of which are not in walking distance of the conference venues. Unlike in 2015, the Q in the Lou BBQ festival will not conveniently overlap dates with the Strange Loop conference- Q in the Lou will occur the weekend following Strange Loop.
This is the itinerary. We will leave Union Station in groups using UberXLs or cabs around 10:30 am. Meet outside the main doors at Union Station Double Tree on Market Street.
- Adam's Smokehouse (open 11-4 on Sunday)
- Salt + Smoke (open 11-sold out)
-> Back to Union Station <- (I expect we will be back around 1 or 1:30 pm.)
Bonus BBQ:
- Sugarfire Smokehouse (open 11-sold out) - after we get back to Union Station those who are interested can walk over to Sugarfire for bonus BBQ.
Q: How come you didn't include X on your list?!
A: There's only so much time. Or, I've been to X and didn't like it much before.
Q: This sounds great. What should I do next?
A: You should meet us at 10:30 Sunday.
Q: How are we getting from Point A to Point B?
A: Originally I looked at hiring a bus and a driver, but that would cost about $700 (including a tip for the driver), and there were only 8 people signed up as of around September 1, so I decided we'd manage the trips using one or more UberXLs. Logistically this isn't ideal, but $700 for 8 of us seems excessive. On the other hand, if you need to skedaddle to the airport earlier, it should be easier to get there.
I will continue to update this gist with the latest planning information, so feel free to star it/bookmark it, etc.
Other questions? Contact me on twitter @bytemeorg
or email mrallen1
at rhymes with achoo.
🍖 ➡️ 😮