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Created June 18, 2015 20:22
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Function ArchiveFiles
# Params.
$Dest = $Source + "_out"
# Create output directory.
if(!(Test-Path -Path $Dest )){
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Dest
$allFiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Depth $Depth $Source
# Export file list.
$fileListDest = $Dest + "\_file_list.csv"
Export-Csv $fileListDest -InputObject $allFiles
#Make sure it's in same format as $items
$allFiles = Select-Object -InputObject $allFiles -Property FullName
# Get files/folders to archive.
$levels = "\*" * $Depth
$items = Get-ChildItem $Source$levels | select FullName
Function ArchiveItem{
$target7zFile = $Dest.ToString() + $itemToAdd.FullName.Replace((Get-Item $Dest).Parent.FullName.ToString(), "") + ".7z"
$sourceFile = $itemToAdd.FullName
echo("Source: ", $sourceFile, "Target: ", $target7zFile)
if($FoldersOnly.IsPresent -and !$itemToAdd.PSIsContainer){
# continue
#TODO: Copy file instead of compressing.
7z a -r -t7z -m0=LZMA2 -mmt=2 $target7zFile $sourceFile
$completedItems += $item
Remove-Item $item
$doneItems = @()
# Process files/folders.
ForEach($item in $items){
ArchiveItem $item
$doneItems += $item
# Add remaining files that are not -ge $Depth levels deep.
ForEach($item in $allFiles){
if(!$doneItems.Contains($item) -and !$item.PSIsContainer){
ArchiveItem $item
ArchiveFiles $sourceDir $depth
# 7z a -r -t7z -m0=LZMA2 -mmt=2 $destinationDir $sourceDir
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