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Last active December 31, 2015 09:29
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\title[CS Solvers in Python]{Compressed Sensing Solvers in Python}
\author{Jaidev Deshpande}
\institute{Enthought, Inc}
\date{December 15, 2013}
% Uncomment these lines for an automatically generated outline.
% \tableofcontents
\begin{frame}{Introduction - What is Compressed Sensing?}
\item The very fact that data can be compressed means that too many measurements were taken.
\item Problem: Compressing White Noise
\item What would be the sampling rate?
\item No compression possible when $F_{s} \to \infty$
\item Most real signals are not white noise!
\vskip 1cm
\section{Sampling Theorem}
\begin{frame}{Nyquist Sampling Theorem}
In order to accurately reconstruct an analog signal having a finite bandwidth $W$, it must have been sampled with atleast twice that bandwidth.
$$F_{s} >= 2W$$
\begin{frame}{Nyquist Sampling Theorem}
\includegraphics[trim=2in 0 0 0,clip=True,scale=0.25,width=5in]{nyquist}
\subsection{Magic Reconstruction}
\begin{frame}{The Magic Reconstruction Problem}
\item Appeared in Cleve Moler's blog\footnote{\url{}} in 2010
\item Sequel to "The World's Simplest Impossible Problem"\footnote{\url{}} from 20 years ago.
\left[\begin{smallmatrix} m & n \end{smallmatrix}\right]
\left[\begin{smallmatrix} \frac{1}{2} \\ \frac{1}{2}\end{smallmatrix}\right]
= 3
Ax = b
\begin{frame}{Underdetermined system of equations}
\lstinputlisting[language=Python, frame=single]{}
\begin{frame}{Underdetermined system of equations}
\lstinputlisting[language=Python, frame=single]{}
\begin{frame}{Sparsity and the $L_{1} norm$}
\item Why is the $L_{2}$ norm not sufficient?\footnote{\url{}}
\item LASSO = Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator
\item Also known as $L_{1}$ magic.
\item Implementations in Python:
\item \href{}{cvxopt} - many experimental implementations
\item \href{}{PyBSBL} - Amazing use of the scipy.sparse module
\item \href{}{PyCSAlgos} - WIP, simple adaptations of experimental MATLAB code.
\item \href{}{ASPICS} - Badly documented, very unreadable.
\item \href{}{Two Stage $L_{1}$ approach} - Stephane Chreitin
\item \href{}{SPAMS} (SParse Modeling Software) - Alexandre Gramfort - Best of the lot, sparsely documented, seems short-lived.
\item Compressed sensing software remains largely inaccessible to Pythonistas
\item Too much bad code
\item Very hot topic in signal processing / data compression
\item Perfect opportunity to dive in!
\item How?
\begin{frame}{Come, contribute to scikit-signal}
\item \url{}
\item Started by David Cournapeau and yours truly in mid 2012
\item Most work focuses on time-frequency analysis, need to diversify
\item Looking for developers!
Slides hosted at \url{}
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