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Last active January 2, 2016 17:09
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Save jaidevd/8335172 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A UI app for exploring training data for Kaggle's Galaxy Zoo competition.
# Description:
# -------------
# This is a TraistUI ( application that
# is used for performing some exploratory data analysis on the training data
# from Kaggle's Galaxy Zoo competition.
# (
# Broadly, it can be thought of as a browser for the data, which shows the
# training images, the target distribution functions and some metrics related
# to the training data.
# See the following links for some screenshots
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Jaidev Deshpande
# email: [email protected]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dependencies:
# -------------
# 1. NumPy
# 2. SciPy
# 3. matplotlib
# 4. Traits
# 5. TraitsUI
# 6. Chaco
# 7. scikit-image
# 8. scikit-learn
# 9. pandas
# stdlib imports
import os
# system library imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from skimage.exposure import histogram
from import imread
from skimage.filter import threshold_otsu
from skimage.morphology import closing, label, square
from skimage.measure import regionprops
from skimage.transform import rotate
from skimage.segmentation import clear_border
# ETS imports
from traits.api import (HasTraits, Instance, Button, ListStr, CInt, Int,
List, Dict)
from traitsui.api import (View, Item, ButtonEditor, VGroup, HGroup,
Group, TabularEditor)
from traitsui.tabular_adapter import TabularAdapter
from chaco.api import Plot, ArrayPlotData, VPlotContainer, gray
from enable.component_editor import ComponentEditor
# Image processing functions
def get_cleared_binary_image(x):
""" Given an image array, return the binary thresholded image and clear the
border regions.
thresh = threshold_otsu(x)
bw = closing(x > thresh, square(3))
bw = clear_border(bw)
return bw
def get_region_bounds(x):
""" Given an image array, return the bounding boxes of all regions in it.
Input image MUST be a binary image."""
bw = label(x)
regions = regionprops(bw)
bx = []
by = []
for props in regions:
minr, minc, maxr, maxc = props.bbox
bx.append((minc, maxc))
by.append((minr, maxr))
return bx, by
def rotate_largest_region(x):
""" Label the given image, measure it's region properties, and rotate such
that the largest region in the image becomes flat. """
largest_region = get_largest_region(x)
orientation = largest_region.orientation
rotated_image = rotate(x, angle=-np.rad2deg(orientation), resize=True)
return rotated_image
def get_bbox_center(bbox):
""" Get the center of the bounding box `bbox` """
minr, minc, maxr, maxc = bbox
rr = (minr + maxr) / 2
cc = (minc + maxc) / 2
return (rr, cc)
def get_largest_region(x):
""" Given an image measure it's region properties and detect the areawise
largest region. """
bw = get_cleared_binary_image(x)
labeled = label(bw)
regions = regionprops(labeled)
bounds = [prop.bbox for prop in regions]
areas = np.array([abs(t[0] - t[2])*abs(t[1] - t[3]) for t in bounds])
largest_region = regions[np.argmax(areas)]
return largest_region
def point_rotate(x, y, theta):
""" Rotate the point (x,y) counter-clockwise through an angle `theta`
on the Cartesian plane."""
rotmat = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)],
[np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
return[x,y]), rotmat)
def crop_around_centroid(image, rr, cc, rows=128, cols=128):
""" Crop an image around the point (rr, cc) such that the dimensions are
rows X cols """
rmin = rr - rows/2
rmax = rr + rows/2
cmin = cc - cols/2
cmax = cc + cols/2
cropped = image[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax]
return cropped
# `DataFrameAdapter` class
class DataFrameAdapter(TabularAdapter):
TabularAdapter subclass for a pandas dataframe.
# The DataFrame to be displayed in the UI
data = Instance(pd.DataFrame,())
# Labels for columns of the UI display, by default these are the same as
# dataframe.columns
columns = List
# Number of header rows in the file.
can_edit = False
def get_item(self, object, trait, row):
Pandas dataframes are accessed differently than numpy arrays.
Overwritten to support indexing of pandas DataFrames.
return list(getattr( self.object, trait ).ix[row])
return None
def get_row_label(self, section, obj=None):
Returns the label for each row. In this case it is the index.
ind =[section]
return str(ind)
def get_text(self, object, trait, row, column):
Returns the text to display for a specified object.trais[row].column
item. Overwritten to return strings corresponding to every item in a
pandas DataFrame.
df = getattr(object, trait)
col = df.columns[column]
index = df.index[row]
item = df[col][index]
# Round off high precision numbers for display so as to avoid displaying
# an ellipsis in the table.
d = float(item)
return str(np.round(d,3))
except ValueError:
return item
def get_width(self, object, trait, column):
return 50
def _columns_default(self):
return [col[5:] for col in]
# `DataInspector` class
class DataInspector(HasTraits):
""" Data Inspector for the Galaxy problem. """
# The main container
image = Instance(VPlotContainer)
# The ArrayPlotData instance corresponding to the galaxy image
image_data = Instance(ArrayPlotData)
# The ArrayPlotData instance corresponding to the orientation fit.
image_orientation = Instance(ArrayPlotData)
# The ArrayPlotData instance corresponding to the galaxy pdf
soln_data = Instance(ArrayPlotData)
# Button for triggering the next image
button = Button()
# List of training jpg image files
files = ListStr
# Galaxy ID of the current image
data_id = CInt
# DataFrame containing `solutions_training.csv`
solutions = Instance(pd.DataFrame)
# Image histogram data for the current image
histogram_plotdata = Instance(ArrayPlotData)
# Histogram of the current image
histogram_plot = Instance(Plot)
# Tabular adapter required to display the soluions data in tabular format.
adapter = Instance(TabularAdapter)
# ArrayPlotData instance associated with the labeled image regions
labeled_image_data = Instance(ArrayPlotData)
# The plot showing the labeled image regions
labeled_image_plot = Instance(Plot)
# ArrayPlotData instance associated with the cropped image
cropped_image_data = Instance(ArrayPlotData)
# The plot showing the cropped image
cropped_image = Instance(Plot)
# The currently selected row
selected_row = Int
# A cache for the image plots
image_plot_cache = Dict
def default_traits_view(self):
view = View(HGroup(
Item('image', editor=ComponentEditor(),
show_label=False, dock="tab",
full_size=False, padding = 0),
show_label=False, dock="tab",
full_size=False, padding = 0),
adapter = self.adapter,
auto_resize = False,
auto_resize_rows = False,
stretch_last_section = False,
show_row_titles = True,
horizontal_lines = False,
multi_select = False,
drag_move = False,
scroll_to_row = "selected_row",
scroll_to_row_hint = "visible",
selected_row = 'selected_row'),
show_label=False, dock = "tab",
full_size = False),
label = "Solutions", springy = True,
layout = "tabbed", scrollable=True),
Item('data_id',label='Galaxy ID'),
resizable = True)
return view
def get_random_image(self):
""" Randomly select a data id.
ind = np.random.randint(0,len(self.files))
filename = os.path.basename(self.files[ind])
return int(filename.split('.')[0])
def get_data_by_id(self, id):
""" Return the image and the target pdf for the give ID.
pdf =[id]
if self.image_plot_cache.has_key(id):
return pdf, self.image_plot_cache.get(id)
filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'images_training',
im = imread(filename)
self.image_plot_cache[id] = im
return pdf, im
def update_cropped_image_data(self):
x = self.image_data.arrays.get('im')[:,:,0]
org_region = get_largest_region(x)
rr1, cc1 = get_bbox_center(org_region.bbox)
rotated_x = rotate_largest_region(x)
_x = cc1 - x.shape[1]/2
_y = rr1 - x.shape[0]/2
cc2, rr2 = point_rotate(_x, _y, -org_region.orientation)
rr2 += rotated_x.shape[0]/2
cc2 += rotated_x.shape[1]/2
cropped = crop_around_centroid(rotated_x, rr2, cc2)
self.cropped_image_data.set_data('im', cropped)
def update_labeled_image_data(self):
im = self.image_data.arrays.get('im')[:,:,0]
bw = get_cleared_binary_image(im)
bx, by = get_region_bounds(bw)
apd = ArrayPlotData(im=bw)
for i in range(len(bx)):
minc, maxc = bx[i]
minr, maxr = by[i]
key = "bb" + str(i)
apd.update({key+'topx':(minc, maxc),
key+'topy':(maxr, maxr),
key+'botx':(minc, maxc),
key+'boty':(minr, minr),
key+'leftx':(minc, minc),
key+'lefty':(minr, maxr),
key+'rightx':(maxc, maxc),
key+'righty':(minr, maxr)})
plot = Plot(apd)
plot.img_plot('im',colormap=gray, origin='bottom left')
for i in range((len(apd.arrays)-1)/8):
key = 'bb'+str(i)
plot.plot((key+'topx', key+'topy'),color='green',
plot.plot((key+'botx', key+'boty'),color='green',
plot.plot((key+'leftx', key+'lefty'),color='green',
plot.plot((key+'rightx', key+'righty'),color='green',
self.labeled_image_plot = plot
# Trait initializers ######################################################
def _files_default(self):
return [os.path.join('images_training',f) for f in
def _solutions_default(self):
return pd.read_csv('solutions_training.csv',index_col=0)
def _adapter_default(self):
return DataFrameAdapter(
def _data_id_default(self):
return self.get_random_image()
def _soln_data_default(self):
soln =[self.data_id]
apd = ArrayPlotData(x=np.arange([1]),
return apd
def _image_data_default(self):
filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'images_training',
im = imread(filename)
self.image_plot_cache[id] = im
apd = ArrayPlotData(im=im)
return apd
def _histogram_plotdata_default(self):
im = self.image_data.arrays['im']
hist = histogram(im[:,:,0])
apd = ArrayPlotData(x=hist[1],y=hist[0])
return apd
def _image_default(self):
container = VPlotContainer()
soln_plot = Plot(self.soln_data)
galaxy_plot = Plot(self.image_data)
return container
def _labeled_image_data_default(self):
im = self.image_data.arrays.get('im')[:,:,0]
bw = get_cleared_binary_image(im)
bx, by = get_region_bounds(bw)
apd = ArrayPlotData(im=bw)
for i in range(len(bx)):
minc, maxc = bx[i]
minr, maxr = by[i]
key = "bb" + str(i)
apd.update({key+'topx':(minc, maxc),
key+'topy':(maxr, maxr),
key+'botx':(minc, maxc),
key+'boty':(minr, minr),
key+'leftx':(minc, minc),
key+'lefty':(minr, maxr),
key+'rightx':(maxc, maxc),
key+'righty':(minr, maxr)})
return apd
def _labeled_image_plot_default(self):
plot = Plot(self.labeled_image_data)
plot.img_plot('im',colormap=gray, origin='bottom left')
for i in range((len(self.labeled_image_data.arrays)-1)/8):
key = 'bb'+str(i)
plot.plot((key+'topx', key+'topy'),color='green',
plot.plot((key+'botx', key+'boty'),color='green',
plot.plot((key+'leftx', key+'lefty'),color='green',
plot.plot((key+'rightx', key+'righty'),color='green',
return plot
def _cropped_image_data_default(self):
x = self.image_data.arrays.get('im')[:,:,0]
org_region = get_largest_region(x)
rr1, cc1 = get_bbox_center(org_region.bbox)
rotated_x = rotate_largest_region(x)
_x = cc1 - x.shape[1]/2
_y = rr1 - x.shape[0]/2
cc2, rr2 = point_rotate(_x, _y, -org_region.orientation)
rr2 += rotated_x.shape[0]/2
cc2 += rotated_x.shape[1]/2
cropped = crop_around_centroid(rotated_x, rr2, cc2)
apd = ArrayPlotData(im=cropped)
return apd
def _cropped_image_default(self):
plot = Plot(self.cropped_image_data)
plot.img_plot('im', colormap=gray)
return plot
# Trait change handlers ###################################################
def _button_fired(self):
ind = np.random.randint(0,[0])
self.data_id =[ind]
def _data_id_changed(self):
indices =
self.selected_row = indices.index(self.data_id)
except ValueError:
data = self.get_data_by_id(self.data_id)
if data is not None:
pdf, im = data
self.soln_data.set_data('y', pdf.values)
self.restuple = im.shape
hist = histogram(im[:,:,0])
def _selected_row_changed(self, new):
self.data_id =[new]
if __name__ == "__main__":
ste = DataInspector()
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