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Created July 20, 2011 07:46
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Scala Coding Method Chaining style
* This is from community accepted conventions and feel free to judge upon them.
* Upon Method Invocation chaining, one can prefer the 'fooIndent' method over 'fooNotIndent'
* (as well as barIndent over barNotIndent),
* Not only it improves readibility upon reading (by gradually grasping the functionality) but also it does not consume
* the whole screen (thus not making you scroll).
* The use of '.' upon invocation is debatable.
* Some argue that the leading '.' should be removed [2]
* while others think that it gives some clarity and "profilatic safety" [1][3]
* [1]
* [2]
* [3]
* Note: this is not compilable. It is only for the purpose of style viewing
object Test{
def fooNotIndent : List[Int] = (1 to 100) { _ + 3 }.filter { _ > 10 }.flatMap { table.get }.take(3).toList
def fooIndent: List[Int] =
(1 to 100)
.map { _ + 3 }
.filter { _ > 10 }
.flatMap { table.get }
* Another example
* Note: barNotIndent and Indent were extracted from [3]
* while barIndent was not the chosen answer, it isolates the aspect I'm demonstrating
def barNotIndent = Console.println(io.Source.fromFile("names.txt").getLines.mkString.split(",").map{x:String => x.slice(1, x.length -1)}.sortBy { x => x}{t =>{ (t._2 +1)*({_.toChar - "A"(0).toChar + 1}.sum)}}.sum);
def barIndent = Console.println(
.map{x:String => x.slice(1, x.length -1)}
.sortBy { x => x}
.map{t =>{ (t._2 +1)*({_.toChar - "A"(0).toChar + 1}.sum)}}
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