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Last active November 25, 2019 19:04
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  • Save jakerobinson/e64cf4d4cb8272ae6c40 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$datastore = "MyDatastore"
$viserver = "MyVIServer"
# add PowerCLI snapin
Add-PSSnapin vmware.vimautomation.core -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
# Connect to VI Server
Connect-VIServer $viserver
# Get the datastore we want to clean up
$dsObject = Get-Datastore $datastore
# Create a new PSDrive to that datastore
New-PSDrive -Location $dsObject -name ds -PSProvider VimDatastore -root '\'
# Set location to that drive
Set-Location ds:
# From here we are going to parse through
# folders first looking for vmx files,
# if there are no vmx files,
# test for current.png and then remove the thumbnail and folder.
$dsfolders = Get-ChildItem
foreach ($dsfolder in $dsfolders)
if (!(test-path "$dsfolder\*.vmx"))
if (test-path "$dsfolder\current.png")
remove-item "$dsfolder\current.png"
if ((get-childitem "$dsfolder\*" | measure-object).count -lt 1)
remove-item $dsfolder
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