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Created January 5, 2012 16:30
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General Distance Metrics for BallTree

This is the outline of a framework that will allow general distance metrics to be incorporated into scikit-learn BallTree. The idea is that we need a fast way to compute the distance between two points under a given metric. In the basic framework here, this involves creating an object which exposes C-pointers to a function and a parameter structure so that the distance function can be called from either python or directly from cython with no python overhead.

import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython
# - use blas for computations
# - add other metrics from scipy.spatial.distance
# - make cdist/pdist work with fortran arrays
# - make cdist/pdist work with csr matrices
# - allow user-defined metrics (???)
DTYPE = np.float64
ctypedef np.float64_t DTYPE_t
ITYPE = np.int32
ctypedef np.int32_t ITYPE_t
# Define data structures needed for distance calculations
# data structure used for mahalanobis distance
cdef struct mahalanobis_info:
ITYPE_t n # size of arrays
DTYPE_t* VI # pointer to buffer of size n * n
DTYPE_t* work_buffer # pointer to buffer of size n
# data structure used for (weighted) minkowski distance
cdef struct minkowski_info:
ITYPE_t n # size of array
DTYPE_t p # specifies p-norm
DTYPE_t* w # pointer to buffer of size n
# data structure used for standardized euclidean distance
cdef struct seuclidean_info:
ITYPE_t n # size of array
DTYPE_t* V # pointer to buffer of size n
# general distance data structure. We use a union because
# different distance metrics require different ancillary information.
cdef union dist_params:
minkowski_info minkowski
mahalanobis_info mahalanobis
seuclidean_info seuclidean
# define a pointer to a general distance function.
ctypedef DTYPE_t (*dist_func)(DTYPE_t*, DTYPE_t*, ITYPE_t,
ITYPE_t, ITYPE_t, dist_params*)
# Define the various distance functions
cdef DTYPE_t euclidean_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = inc1 * n
cdef DTYPE_t d, res = 0
while i1 < i1max:
d = x1[i1] - x2[i2]
res += d * d
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return res ** 0.5
cdef DTYPE_t manhattan_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = inc1 * n
cdef DTYPE_t res = 0
while i1 < i1max:
res += abs(x1[i1] - x2[i2])
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return res
cdef DTYPE_t chebyshev_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = inc1 * n
cdef DTYPE_t res = 0
while i1 < i1max:
res = max(res, abs(x1[i1] - x2[i2]))
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return res
cdef DTYPE_t minkowski_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = inc1 * n
cdef DTYPE_t d, res = 0
while i1 < i1max:
d = abs(x1[i1] - x2[i2])
res += d ** params.minkowski.p
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return res ** (1. / params.minkowski.p)
cdef DTYPE_t wminkowski_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
cdef ITYPE_t i, i1 = 0, i2 = 0
cdef DTYPE_t d, res = 0
for i from 0 <= i < n:
d = abs(x1[i1] - x2[i2])
res += (params.minkowski.w[i] * d) ** params.minkowski.p
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return res ** (1. / params.minkowski.p)
cdef DTYPE_t mahalanobis_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
cdef ITYPE_t i, j, i1 = 0, i2 = 0
cdef ITYPE_t i1max = inc1 * n, i2max = inc2 * n
cdef DTYPE_t d, res = 0
assert n == params.mahalanobis.n
# TODO: use blas here
for i from 0 <= i < n:
params.mahalanobis.work_buffer[i] = x1[i1] - x2[i2]
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
for i from 0 <= i < n:
d = 0
for j from 0 <= j < n:
d += (params.mahalanobis.VI[i * n + j]
* params.mahalanobis.work_buffer[j])
res += d * params.mahalanobis.work_buffer[i]
return res ** 0.5
cdef DTYPE_t seuclidean_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
cdef ITYPE_t i = 0, i1 = 0, i2 = 0
cdef DTYPE_t d, res = 0
for i from 0 <= i < n:
d = x1[i1] - x2[i2]
res += d * d / params.seuclidean.V[i]
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return res ** 0.5
cdef DTYPE_t sqeuclidean_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = inc1 * n
cdef DTYPE_t d, res = 0
while i1 < i1max:
d = x1[i1] - x2[i2]
res += d * d
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return res
cdef DTYPE_t cosine_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
cdef DTYPE_t x1nrm = 0, x2nrm = 0, x1Tx2 = 0
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = inc1 * n, i2max = inc2 * n
# TODO : think about how to speed this up for cdist & pdist by
# only computing the norm once per point
# TODO: use blas here
while i1 < i1max:
x1nrm += x1[i1] * x1[i1]
x2nrm += x2[i2] * x2[i2]
x1Tx2 += x1[i1] * x2[i2]
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return 1.0 - (x1Tx2) / np.sqrt(x1nrm * x2nrm)
cdef DTYPE_t correlation_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
cdef DTYPE_t mu1 = 0, mu2 = 0, x1nrm = 0, x2nrm = 0, x1Tx2 = 0
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = inc1 * n
cdef DTYPE_t tmp1, tmp2
# TODO : think about how to speed this up for cdist & pdist by
# only computing the mean once per point
while i1 < i1max:
mu1 += x1[i1]
mu2 += x2[i2]
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
mu1 /= n
mu2 /= n
i1 = 0
i2 = 0
while i1 < i1max:
tmp1 = x1[i1] - mu1
tmp2 = x2[i2] - mu2
x1nrm += tmp1 * tmp1
x2nrm += tmp2 * tmp2
x1Tx2 += tmp1 * tmp2
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return 1. - x1Tx2 / np.sqrt(x1nrm * x2nrm)
cdef DTYPE_t hamming_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
cdef ITYPE_t n_disagree = 0
while i1 < i1max:
n_disagree += (x1[i1] != x2[i2])
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return n_disagree * 1. / n
cdef DTYPE_t jaccard_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
cdef ITYPE_t n_disagree = 0
while i1 < i1max:
n_disagree += ((x1[i1] != x2[i2])
& ((x1[i1] != 0) | (x2[i2] != 0)))
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return n_disagree * 1. / n
cdef DTYPE_t canberra_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
cdef DTYPE_t res = 0, denominator
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = inc1 * n
while i1 < i1max:
denominator = (abs(x1[i1]) + abs(x2[i2]))
if denominator > 0:
res += abs(x1[i1] - x2[i2]) / denominator
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return res
cdef DTYPE_t braycurtis_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
cdef DTYPE_t numerator = 0, denominator = 0
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = inc1 * n
while i1 < i1max:
numerator += abs(x1[i1] - x2[i2])
denominator += abs(x1[i1])
denominator += abs(x2[i2])
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return numerator / denominator
cdef DTYPE_t yule_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
# The following implementation matches scipy.spatial.cdist('yule')
cdef ITYPE_t ntt = 0, nff = 0, ntf = 0, nft = 0
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
cdef ITYPE_t TF1, TF2
while i1 < i1max:
TF1 = (x1[i1] != 0)
TF2 = (x2[i2] != 0)
nff += (not TF1 and not TF2)
nft += (not TF1 and TF2)
ntf += (TF1 and not TF2)
ntt += (TF1 and TF2)
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return (2. * ntf * nft) / (1. * (ntt * nff + ntf * nft))
# The following implementation matches scipy.spatial.distance.yule:
#cdef DTYPE_t ntt = 0, nff = 0, ntf = 0, nft = 0
#cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
#while i1 < i1max:
# nff += (1 - x1[i1]) * (1 - x2[i2])
# nft += (1 - x1[i1]) * x2[i2]
# ntf += x1[i1] * (1 - x2[i2])
# ntt += x1[i1] * x2[i2]
# i1 += inc1
# i2 += inc2
#return 2. * ntf * nft / (ntt * nff + ntf * nft)
cdef DTYPE_t matching_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
# The following implementation matches scipy.spatial.cdist('matching')
cdef ITYPE_t ntf = 0, nft = 0
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
cdef ITYPE_t TF1, TF2
while i1 < i1max:
TF1 = (x1[i1] != 0)
TF2 = (x2[i2] != 0)
nft += (not TF1 and TF2)
ntf += (TF1 and not TF2)
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return (ntf + nft) * 1. / n
# The following implementation matches scipy.spatial.distance.matching:
#cdef DTYPE_t ntf = 0, nft = 0
#cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
#while i1 < i1max:
# nft += (1 - x1[i1]) * x2[i2]
# ntf += x1[i1] * (1 - x2[i2])
# i1 += inc1
# i2 += inc2
#return ntf * nft * 1. / n
cdef DTYPE_t dice_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
# The following implementation matches scipy.spatial.cdist('dice')
cdef ITYPE_t ntf = 0, nft = 0, ntt = 0
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
cdef ITYPE_t TF1, TF2
while i1 < i1max:
TF1 = (x1[i1] != 0)
TF2 = (x2[i2] != 0)
ntt += (TF1 and TF2)
nft += (not TF1 and TF2)
ntf += (TF1 and not TF2)
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return (ntf + nft) * 1. / (2 * ntt + ntf + nft)
# The following implementation matches scipy.spatial.distance.dice:
#cdef DTYPE_t ntf = 0, nft = 0
#cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
#while i1 < i1max:
# ntt += x1[i1] * x2[i2]
# nft += (1 - x1[i1]) * x2[i2]
# ntf += x1[i1] * (1 - x2[i2])
# i1 += inc1
# i2 += inc2
#return (ntf + nft) * 1. / (2 * ntt + ntf + nft)
cdef DTYPE_t kulsinski_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
# The following implementation matches scipy.spatial.cdist('kulsinski')
cdef ITYPE_t ntt = 0, nff = 0, ntf = 0, nft = 0
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
cdef ITYPE_t TF1, TF2
while i1 < i1max:
TF1 = (x1[i1] != 0)
TF2 = (x2[i2] != 0)
nff += (not TF1 and not TF2)
nft += (not TF1 and TF2)
ntf += (TF1 and not TF2)
ntt += (TF1 and TF2)
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return (ntf + nft - ntt + n) / (1. * (ntf + nft + n))
# The following implementation matches scipy.spatial.distance.kulsinski:
#cdef DTYPE_t ntt = 0, nff = 0, ntf = 0, nft = 0
#cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
#while i1 < i1max:
# nff += (1 - x1[i1]) * (1 - x2[i2])
# nft += (1 - x1[i1]) * x2[i2]
# ntf += x1[i1] * (1 - x2[i2])
# ntt += x1[i1] * x2[i2]
# i1 += inc1
# i2 += inc2
#return (ntf + nft - ntt + n) / (1. * (ntf + nft + n))
cdef DTYPE_t rogerstanimoto_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
# The following implementation matches scipy.spatial.cdist('rogerstanimoto')
cdef ITYPE_t ntt = 0, nff = 0, ntf = 0, nft = 0
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
cdef ITYPE_t TF1, TF2
while i1 < i1max:
TF1 = (x1[i1] != 0)
TF2 = (x2[i2] != 0)
nff += (not TF1 and not TF2)
nft += (not TF1 and TF2)
ntf += (TF1 and not TF2)
ntt += (TF1 and TF2)
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return (ntf + nft) * 2. / (ntt + nff + 2.0 * (nft + ntf))
# The following implementation matches scipy.spatial.distance.rogerstanimoto:
#cdef DTYPE_t ntt = 0, nff = 0, ntf = 0, nft = 0
#cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
#while i1 < i1max:
# nff += (1 - x1[i1]) * (1 - x2[i2])
# nft += (1 - x1[i1]) * x2[i2]
# ntf += x1[i1] * (1 - x2[i2])
# ntt += x1[i1] * x2[i2]
# i1 += inc1
# i2 += inc2
#return (ntf + nft) * 2. / (ntt + nff + 2.0 * (nft + ntf))
cdef DTYPE_t russellrao_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
# The following implementation matches scipy.spatial.cdist('russellrao')
cdef ITYPE_t ntt = 0
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
cdef ITYPE_t TF1, TF2
while i1 < i1max:
TF1 = (x1[i1] != 0)
TF2 = (x2[i2] != 0)
ntt += (TF1 and TF2)
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return (n - ntt) * 1. / n
# The following implementation matches scipy.spatial.distance.russellrao
#cdef DTYPE_t ntt = 0, nff = 0, ntf = 0, nft = 0
#cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
#while i1 < i1max:
# ntt += x1[i1] * x2[i2]
# i1 += inc1
# i2 += inc2
#return (n - ntt) * 1. / n
cdef DTYPE_t sokalmichener_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
# The following implementation matches scipy.spatial.cdist('sokalmichener')
cdef ITYPE_t ntt = 0, ntf = 0, nft = 0, nff = 0
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
cdef ITYPE_t TF1, TF2
while i1 < i1max:
TF1 = (x1[i1] != 0)
TF2 = (x2[i2] != 0)
nff += (not TF1 and not TF2)
nft += (not TF1 and TF2)
ntf += (TF1 and not TF2)
ntt += (TF1 and TF2)
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return (ntf + nft) * 2.0 / (ntt + nff + 2.0 * (ntf + nft))
# The following implementation matches scipy.spatial.distance.sokalmichener
#cdef DTYPE_t ntt = 0, nff = 0, ntf = 0, nft = 0
#cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
#while i1 < i1max:
# nff += (1 - x1[i1]) * (1 - x2[i2])
# nft += (1 - x1[i1]) * x2[i2]
# ntf += x1[i1] * (1 - x2[i2])
# ntt += x1[i1] * x2[i2]
# i1 += inc1
# i2 += inc2
#return (ntf + nft) * 2.0 / (ntt + nff + 2.0 * (ntf + nft))
cdef DTYPE_t sokalsneath_distance(DTYPE_t* x1, DTYPE_t* x2,
ITYPE_t inc1, ITYPE_t inc2,
ITYPE_t n, dist_params* params):
# The following implementation matches scipy.spatial.cdist('sokalsneath')
cdef ITYPE_t ntt = 0, ntf = 0, nft = 0
cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
cdef ITYPE_t TF1, TF2
while i1 < i1max:
TF1 = (x1[i1] != 0)
TF2 = (x2[i2] != 0)
nft += (not TF1 and TF2)
ntf += (TF1 and not TF2)
ntt += (TF1 and TF2)
i1 += inc1
i2 += inc2
return (ntf + nft) * 2.0 / (ntt + 2.0 * (ntf + nft))
# The following implementation matches scipy.spatial.distance.sokalsneath
#cdef DTYPE_t ntt = 0, ntf = 0, nft = 0
#cdef ITYPE_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i1max = n * inc1
#while i1 < i1max:
# nft += (1 - x1[i1]) * x2[i2]
# ntf += x1[i1] * (1 - x2[i2])
# ntt += x1[i1] * x2[i2]
# i1 += inc1
# i2 += inc2
#return (ntf + nft) * 2.0 / (ntt + 2.0 * (ntf + nft))
cdef class DistanceMetric(object):
# attributes used for all distances
cdef dist_params params
cdef dist_func dfunc
# array attributes used for mahalanobis distance
cdef np.ndarray mahalanobis_VI # stores the inverse of matrix V
# array attributes used for standardized euclidean distance
cdef np.ndarray seuclidean_V
# array attributes used for weighted minkowski distance
cdef np.ndarray minkowski_w
# work buffer for various routines
cdef np.ndarray work_buffer
# flags for computation
cdef int learn_params_from_data
def __init__(self, metric="euclidean", w=None, p=None, V=None, VI=None):
"""Object for computing distance between points.
This is a specialized object for efficient distance computations.
The objects contain C-pointers to fast implementations of the
distance functions, to support their use in BallTree.
metric : string
Distance metric (see Notes below)
w : ndarray
The weight vector (for weighted Minkowski)
p : double
The p-norm to apply (for Minkowski, weighted and unweighted)
V : ndarray
The variance vector (for standardized Euclidean)
VI : ndarray
The inverse of the covariance matrix (for Mahalanobis)
``metric`` can be one of the following:
- 'euclidean' / 'l2'
- 'manhattan' / 'cityblock' / 'l1'
- 'chebyshev'
- 'minkowski'
- 'mahalanobis'
- 'seuclidean'
- 'sqeuclidean'
- 'cosine'
- 'correlation'
self.learn_params_from_data = False
if metric == "euclidean":
self.dfunc = &euclidean_distance
elif metric in ("manhattan", "cityblock"):
self.dfunc = &manhattan_distance
elif metric == "chebyshev":
self.dfunc = &chebyshev_distance
elif metric == "minkowski":
if p == None:
raise ValueError("For metric = 'minkowski', "
"parameter p must be specified.")
elif p <= 0:
raise ValueError("For metric = 'minkowski', "
"parameter p must be greater than 0.")
elif p == 1:
self.dfunc = &manhattan_distance
elif p == 2:
self.dfunc = &euclidean_distance
elif p == np.inf:
self.dfunc = &chebyshev_distance
self.dfunc = &minkowski_distance
self.params.minkowski.p = p
elif metric == "wminkowski":
self.dfunc = &wminkowski_distance
if p == None:
raise ValueError("For metric = 'minkowski', "
"parameter p must be specified.")
elif p <= 0:
raise ValueError("For metric = 'minkowski', "
"parameter p must be greater than 0.")
self.params.minkowski.p = p
if w is None:
raise ValueError("For metric = 'minkowski', "
"parameter w must be specified.")
self.minkowski_w = np.asarray(w, dtype=DTYPE, order='C')
assert self.minkowski_w.ndim == 1
self.params.minkowski.w = <DTYPE_t*>
self.params.minkowski.n = self.minkowski_w.shape[0]
elif metric == "mahalanobis":
if VI is None:
self.learn_params_from_data = True
self.mahalanobis_VI = np.asarray(VI, dtype=DTYPE, order='C')
assert self.mahalanobis_VI.ndim == 2
assert (self.mahalanobis_VI.shape[0]
== self.mahalanobis_VI.shape[1])
self.work_buffer = np.empty(
self.mahalanobis_VI.shape[0], dtype=DTYPE)
self.params.mahalanobis.n = self.mahalanobis_VI.shape[0]
self.params.mahalanobis.VI = \
self.params.mahalanobis.work_buffer = \
self.dfunc = &mahalanobis_distance
elif metric == 'seuclidean':
if V is None:
self.learn_params_from_data = True
self.seuclidean_V = np.asarray(V)
assert self.seuclidean_V.ndim == 1
self.params.seuclidean.V = <DTYPE_t*>
self.params.seuclidean.n = self.seuclidean_V.shape[0]
self.dfunc = &seuclidean_distance
elif metric == 'sqeuclidean':
self.dfunc = &sqeuclidean_distance
elif metric == 'cosine':
self.dfunc = &cosine_distance
elif metric == 'correlation':
self.dfunc = &correlation_distance
elif metric == 'hamming':
self.dfunc = &hamming_distance
elif metric == 'jaccard':
self.dfunc = &jaccard_distance
elif metric == 'canberra':
self.dfunc = &canberra_distance
elif metric == 'braycurtis':
self.dfunc = &braycurtis_distance
elif metric == 'yule':
self.dfunc = &yule_distance
elif metric == 'matching':
self.dfunc = &matching_distance
elif metric == 'dice':
self.dfunc = dice_distance
elif metric == 'kulsinski':
self.dfunc = &kulsinski_distance
elif metric == 'rogerstanimoto':
self.dfunc = &rogerstanimoto_distance
elif metric == 'russellrao':
self.dfunc = &russellrao_distance
elif metric == 'sokalmichener':
self.dfunc = &sokalmichener_distance
elif metric == 'sokalsneath':
self.dfunc = &sokalsneath_distance
raise ValueError('unrecognized metric %s' % metric)
def _check_input(self, X1, X2=None):
"""Internal function to check inputs and convert to appropriate form.
In addition, for some metrics this function verifies special
requirements deriving from initialization.
X1 : array-like
X2 : array-like (optional, default = None)
(X1, Y) if X2 is None
(X1, X2, Y) if X2 is not None
if inputs cannot be converted to the correct form
X1 = np.asarray(X1, dtype=DTYPE, order='C')
assert X1.ndim == 2
m1 = m2 = X1.shape[0]
n = X1.shape[1]
if X2 is not None:
X2 = np.asarray(X2, dtype=DTYPE, order='C')
assert X2.ndim == 2
assert X2.shape[1] == n
m2 = X2.shape[0]
if self.dfunc == &mahalanobis_distance:
if self.learn_params_from_data:
# covariance matrix was not specified: compute it from data
if X2 is None:
mu1 = np.mean(X1, 0)
X1mu = X1 - mu1
V =, X1mu)
V /= (X1.shape[0] - 1)
mu1 = np.mean(X1, 0)
mu2 = np.mean(X2, 0)
mu = ((X1.shape[0] * mu1 + X2.shape[0] * mu2)
/ (X1.shape[0] + X2.shape[0]))
X1mu = X1 - mu
X2mu = X2 - mu
V =, X1mu) +, X2mu)
V /= (X1.shape[0] + X2.shape[0] - 1)
# TODO: what about singular matrices? How to handle this?
self.mahalanobis_VI = np.linalg.inv(V)
self.work_buffer = np.zeros(V.shape[0])
self.params.mahalanobis.n = n
self.params.mahalanobis.VI = \
self.params.mahalanobis.work_buffer = \
assert n == self.params.mahalanobis.n
elif self.dfunc == &seuclidean_distance:
if self.learn_params_from_data:
# variance was not specified: compute it from data
if X2 is None:
self.seuclidean_V = X1.var(axis=0, ddof=1)
self.seuclidean_V = np.vstack((X1, X2)).var(axis=0, ddof=1)
self.params.seuclidean.V = <DTYPE_t*>
self.params.seuclidean.n = n
assert n == self.params.seuclidean.n
elif self.dfunc == &wminkowski_distance:
assert n == self.params.minkowski.n
Y = np.empty((m1, m2), dtype=DTYPE)
if X2 is None:
return X1, Y
return X1, X2, Y
def cdist(self, X1, X2):
"""Compute the distance between each pair of observation vectors.
X1 : array-like, shape = (m1, n)
X2 : array-like, shape = (m2, n)
Y : ndarray, shape = (m1, m2)
Y[i, j] is the distance between the vectors X1[i] and X2[j]
evaluated with the appropriate distance metric.
X1, X2, Y = self._check_input(X1, X2)
self._cdist_cc(X1, X2, Y)
return Y
def pdist(self, X):
"""Compute the pairwise distances between each pair of vectors.
X : array-like, shape = (m, n)
Y : ndarray, shape = (m, m)
Y[i, j] is the distance between the vectors X[i] and X[j]
evaluated with the appropriate distance metric.
X, Y = self._check_input(X)
self._pdist_c(X, Y)
return Y
cdef void _cdist_cc(self,
np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2, mode='c'] X1,
np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2, mode='c'] X2,
np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2, mode='c'] Y):
# cdist() workhorse. '_cc' means X1 & X2 are c-ordered
# arrays are assumed to have:
# X1.shape == (m1, n)
# X2.shape == (m2, n)
# Y.shape == (m1, m2)
# this is not checked within the function.
cdef unsigned int i1, i2, m1, m2, n
m1 = X1.shape[0]
m2 = X2.shape[0]
n = X1.shape[1]
cdef DTYPE_t* pX1 = <DTYPE_t*>
cdef DTYPE_t* pX2 = <DTYPE_t*>
for i1 from 0 <= i1 < m1:
for i2 from 0 <= i2 < m2:
Y[i1, i2] = self.dfunc(pX1 + i1 * n,
pX2 + i2 * n,
1, 1, n, &self.params)
cdef void _pdist_c(self,
np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2, mode='c'] X,
np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2, mode='c'] Y):
# pdist() workhorse. '_c' means X is c-ordered
# arrays are assumed to have:
# X.shape == (m, n)
# Y.shape == (m, m)
# this is not checked within the function.
cdef unsigned int i1, i2, m, n
m = Y.shape[0]
n = X.shape[1]
cdef DTYPE_t* pX = <DTYPE_t*>
for i1 from 0 <= i1 < m:
Y[i1, i1] = 0
for i2 from i1 < i2 < m:
Y[i1, i2] = Y[i2, i1] = self.dfunc(pX + i1 * n,
pX + i2 * n,
1, 1, n, &self.params)
def distance(x1, x2, metric="euclidean", **kwargs):
x1 = np.asarray(x1)
x2 = np.asarray(x2)
shape1 = x1.shape
shape2 = x2.shape
x1 = x1.reshape((-1, shape1[-1]))
x2 = x2.reshape((-1, shape2[-1]))
dist_metric = DistanceMetric(metric, **kwargs)
Y = dist_metric.cdist(x1, x2)
return Y.reshape(shape1[:-1] + shape2[:-1])
# run python build_ext
# in order to build cpp files from the pyx files
import os
import numpy
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
ext = Extension("distmetrics",
setup(cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist, pdist, squareform
from distmetrics import distance, DistanceMetric
import itertools
# dimension for the tests
DTEST = 10
# create some inverse covariance matrices for mahalanobis
VI = np.random.random((DTEST, DTEST))
VI1 =, VI.T)
VI2 =, VI)
# For each distance metric, specify a dictionary of ancillary parameters
# and a sequence of values to test.
# note that wminkowski and canberra fail in scipy.spacial.cdist/pdist
# in scipy <= 0.8
METRIC_DICT = {'euclidean': {},
'minkowski': dict(p=(1, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0)),
#'wminkowski': dict(p=(1, 1.5, 2.0),
# w=(np.random.random(DTEST),)),
'mahalanobis': dict(VI = (None, VI1, VI2)),
'seuclidean': dict(V = (None, np.random.random(DTEST),)),
'sqeuclidean': {},
'cosine': {},
'correlation': {},
'hamming': {},
'jaccard': {},
'chebyshev': {},
#'canberra': {},
'braycurtis': {}}
BOOL_METRIC_DICT = {'yule' : {},
'matching' : {},
'dice': {},
'kulsinski': {},
'rogerstanimoto': {},
'russellrao': {},
'sokalmichener': {},
'sokalsneath': {}}
def test_cdist(m1=15, m2=20, rseed=0):
"""Compare DistanceMetric.cdist to scipy.spatial.distance.cdist"""
X1 = np.random.random((m1, DTEST))
X2 = np.random.random((m2, DTEST))
for (metric, argdict) in METRIC_DICT.iteritems():
keys = argdict.keys()
for vals in itertools.product(*argdict.values()):
kwargs = dict(zip(keys, vals))
dist_metric = DistanceMetric(metric, **kwargs)
Y1 = dist_metric.cdist(X1, X2)
Y2 = cdist(X1, X2, metric, **kwargs)
if not np.allclose(Y1, Y2):
print metric, keys, vals
print Y1[:5, :5]
print Y2[:5, :5]
assert np.allclose(Y1, Y2)
def test_pdist(m=15, rseed=0):
"""Compare DistanceMetric.pdist to scipy.spatial.distance.pdist"""
X = np.random.random((m, DTEST))
for (metric, argdict) in METRIC_DICT.iteritems():
keys = argdict.keys()
for vals in itertools.product(*argdict.values()):
kwargs = dict(zip(keys, vals))
dist_metric = DistanceMetric(metric, **kwargs)
Y1 = dist_metric.pdist(X)
Y2 = squareform(pdist(X, metric, **kwargs))
if not np.allclose(Y1, Y2):
print metric, keys, vals
print Y1[:5, :5]
print Y2[:5, :5]
assert np.allclose(Y1, Y2)
def test_cdist_bool(m1=15, m2=20, rseed=0):
"""Compare DistanceMetric.cdist to scipy.spatial.distance.cdist"""
X1 = (np.random.random((m1, DTEST)) > 0.5).astype(float)
X2 = (np.random.random((m2, DTEST)) > 0.5).astype(float)
for (metric, argdict) in BOOL_METRIC_DICT.iteritems():
keys = argdict.keys()
for vals in itertools.product(*argdict.values()):
kwargs = dict(zip(keys, vals))
dist_metric = DistanceMetric(metric, **kwargs)
Y1 = dist_metric.cdist(X1, X2)
Y2 = cdist(X1, X2, metric, **kwargs)
if not np.allclose(Y1, Y2):
print metric, keys, vals
print Y1[:5, :5]
print Y2[:5, :5]
assert np.allclose(Y1, Y2)
def test_pdist_bool(m=15, rseed=0):
"""Compare DistanceMetric.pdist to scipy.spatial.distance.pdist"""
X = (np.random.random((m, DTEST)) > 0.5).astype(float)
for (metric, argdict) in BOOL_METRIC_DICT.iteritems():
keys = argdict.keys()
for vals in itertools.product(*argdict.values()):
kwargs = dict(zip(keys, vals))
dist_metric = DistanceMetric(metric, **kwargs)
Y1 = dist_metric.pdist(X)
Y2 = squareform(pdist(X, metric, **kwargs))
if not np.allclose(Y1, Y2):
print metric, keys, vals
print Y1[:5, :5]
print Y2[:5, :5]
assert np.allclose(Y1, Y2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import nose
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