Hacker News "hidden" URLs
Many of HN URLs are not easily discoverable as there are no links to them in a prominent part on the page, or sometimes even nowhere. The following is a list of links to standard and "special" HN pages. The ones is bold are the less discoverable ones.
See also: https://github.com/minimaxir/hacker-news-undocumented
Front page (ranked posts, mix of most upvoted and/or recent posts)
Newest posts
Posts with most active discussions
"Best" (highly voted posts from last few days)
"Classic" front-page (different ranking algorithm)
"Over" (submissions over a fixed threshold from last few days)
All time highest ranked posts:
Posts from a given domain
"Show HN" posts (ranked)
"Show HN" posts (newest)
"Ask HN" posts
Submissions by new users
"Best comments" (highly voted comments from last few days)
Comments by new users
List of HN users sorted by karma
Submit article od "ask HN" entry
Submit a poll
YC startup job posts