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Last active September 29, 2022 16:41
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jq JSON with newlines output formatting madness - bash vs zsh discrepancy
$ jq --version
bash-3.2$ jq --null-input --compact-output --raw-output --monochrome-output --arg test 'A\nB' '{test: $test}'
bash-3.2$ OUT=$(jq --null-input --compact-output --raw-output --monochrome-output --arg test 'A\nB' '{test: $test}'); echo $OUT
zsh-5.8.1> jq --null-input --compact-output --raw-output --monochrome-output --arg test 'A\nB' '{test: $test}'
zsh-5.8.1> OUT=$(jq --null-input --compact-output --raw-output --monochrome-output --arg test 'A\nB' '{test: $test}'); echo $OUT
# Folks on SO suggest to use printf %b to obtain \n instead of \\n
# But discrepancy in zsh between the modes are still there
zsh-5.8.1> jq --null-input --compact-output --raw-output --monochrome-output --arg test "$(printf %b 'A\nB')" '{test: $test}'
zsh-5.8.1> OUT=$(jq --null-input --compact-output --raw-output --monochrome-output --arg test "$(printf %b 'A\nB')" '{test: $test}'); echo $OUT
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