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Created February 6, 2019 14:34
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Lua script for redirecting base32 domains to Infura IPFS base58 paths
-- encoding configuration
local base48Alphabet = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
local base32Alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567"
local base32PadMap = { "", "======", "====", "===", "=" }
-- encoding function for base58
local function encode_base58(str)
local q, b
local et = {}
local zn = 0 -- number of leading zero bytes in str
-- assume str is a large, little-endian binary number
-- with base256 digits (each byte is a "digit")
local nt = {} -- number to divide in base 256, big endian
local dt = {} -- result of nt // 58, in base 256
local more = true -- used to count leading zero bytes
for i = 1, #str do
b = string.byte(str, i)
if more and b == 0 then
zn = zn + 1
more = false
nt[i] = b
if #str == zn then --take care of strings empty or with only nul bytes
return string.rep('1', zn)
more = true
while more do
local r = 0
more = false
for i = 1, #nt do
b = nt[i] + (256 * r)
q = math.floor(b / 58)
-- if q is not null at least once, we are good
-- for another division by 58
more = more or q > 0
r = b % 58
dt[i] = q
-- r is the next base58 digit. insert it before previous ones
-- to get a big-endian base58 number
table.insert(et, 1, string.char(string.byte(base48Alphabet, r+1)))
-- now copy dt into nt before another round of division by 58
nt = {}
for i = 1, #dt do nt[i] = dt[i] end
dt = {}
-- don't forget the leading zeros ('1' is digit 0 in bitcoin base58 alphabet)
return string.rep('1', zn) .. table.concat(et)
-- various helpers for base32 decoding
local function number_to_bit( num, length )
local bits = {}
while num > 0 do
local rest = math.floor( math.fmod( num, 2 ) )
table.insert( bits, rest )
num = ( num - rest ) / 2
while #bits < length do
table.insert( bits, "0" )
return string.reverse( table.concat( bits ) )
local function ignore_set( str, set )
if set then
str = str:gsub( "["..set.."]", "" )
return str
local function pure_from_bit( str )
return ( str:gsub( '........', function ( cc )
return string.char( tonumber( cc, 2 ) )
end ) )
local function unexpected_char_error( str, pos )
local c = string.sub( str, pos, pos )
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "unexpected character at position ", pos, ": '", c, "'")
-- generic function to decode and encode base32/base64
local function from_basexx( str, alphabet, bits )
local result = {}
for i = 1, #str do
local c = string.sub( str, i, i )
if c ~= '=' then
local index = string.find( alphabet, c, 1, true )
if not index then
unexpected_char_error( str, i )
return nil
table.insert( result, number_to_bit( index - 1, bits ) )
local value = table.concat( result )
local pad = #value % 8
return pure_from_bit( string.sub( value, 1, #value - pad ) )
function decode_base32( str, ignore )
str = ignore_set( str, ignore )
return from_basexx( string.upper( str ), base32Alphabet, 5 )
-- nginx variable setting
local val = decode_base32(ngx.var.domain_hash)
local enc = encode_base58(val)
ngx.req.set_uri("/ipfs/" .. enc .. ngx.var.uri)
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