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Last active October 1, 2021 19:06
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Advanced Load Balancing with Traefik 2.5 - Q&A

Advanced Load Balancing with Traefik 2.5

Traefik Workshop #2, Q&A. September 30, 2021

In the case of Canary or Mirroring, what if the two apps were in different clusters instead?

Progressive deployment that might be also called Canary deployment can be achieved between two separate clusters. I would recommend using that with Weighted Round Robin Load Balancing with Nested Health Checks. Please note that it is available as a dynamic configuration provided via File provider.

Is the Traefik Proxy running inside or outside k8s? And how can you scale this if needed (for a huge amount of incoming traffic for instance)?

Traefik Proxy is running inside the Kubernetes cluster and you can scale it up by running more replicas. Please be warned that simply scaling up while using our Lets Encrypt integration might cause problems because of the shared persistence volume.. If you don’t use that feature you should not have any issues. We also have a distributed Lets Encrypt solution in Traefik Enterprise.

There is cool feature like HPA, could you please explain a bit more about it?

HPA - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler - it is a built-in feature in the Kubernetes cluster. It uses metrics such as CPU Usage, Memory Usage and custom metrics in order to make a decision whether we need to scale up or scale down. This is the general description of that feature and I encourage you to see the official docs for that feature. Traefik also can work with that feature, there is already a preconfigured setup in the Traefik Helm Chart to achieve this: Please note that it won’t work correctly if you enable persistence.

stickyness only works using cookies ATM. Our app is embedded in an iframe and we don't have access to the embedding page so that we can set the cookie from the parent page. This breaks stickyness in Safari. Is there support for IP-based stickyness?

Not yet, but there is an issue already with ongoing discussions on the implementation details for ip based stickiness: traefik/traefik#1035 - I encourage you to follow it or jump in to explain your use case and requirements.

Can you mix kubernetesCRD provider and file provider in one Traefik deployment ?

Yes, absolutely. You can have more providers available e.g. KubernetesCRD and File provider. The example of how to manage that has been presented in the last example while showing Nested healthchecks.

Can nested health checks also be configured via TraefikService resources?

Unfortunately no. The nested health check is only available as a File provider. We are working on implementing that as a TraefikService feature.

Not about load-balancing, but... Is there way to do dynamic ip black list similar to fail-to-ban?

You can use one of the plugins called Fail2Ban that is available at Is this what you are looking for ? Let us know.

Isn’t it possible to use access mode ReadWriteMany for ACME persistance and share the PVC?

No, it won’t work. And although we’re working on adding support for Kubernetes secrets it would still not solve all problems for running a distributed LE environment.

How to add response security header on Traefik

Adding security headers were presented on the first workshop, please see the link to repository:

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