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dypsilon /
Last active March 4, 2025 16:05
A badass list of frontend development resources I collected over time.
yosemitebandit / yupyupnope.conf
Created September 29, 2011 23:37
nginx config file for flask app (behind gunicorn) with ssl
server {
listen 80;
rewrite ^/(.*)$1 permanent;
server {
listen 80;
rewrite ^/(.*)$1 permanent;
gnarf / jQuery.ajaxQueue.min.js
Created June 21, 2011 23:52
jQuery.ajaxQueue - A queue for ajax requests
* jQuery.ajaxQueue - A queue for ajax requests
* (c) 2011 Corey Frang
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
* Requires jQuery 1.5+
(function(a){var b=a({});a.ajaxQueue=function(c){function g(b){d=a.ajax(c).done(e.resolve).fail(e.reject).then(b,b)}var d,e=a.Deferred(),f=e.promise();b.queue(g),f.abort=function(h){if(d)return d.abort(h);var i=b.queue(),j=a.inArray(g,i);j>-1&&i.splice(j,1),e.rejectWith(c.context||c,[f,h,""]);return f};return f}})(jQuery)
lukemorton / README.markdown
Created June 4, 2011 13:32
Set caret position via jQuery

jQuery Caret

This is a very simple lightweight plugin to allow you to move the caret (or cursor) position in an <input /> or <textarea> element.

By exposing three jQuery.fn methods you can easily move a a caret to any position you like:

$.fn.caretTo( index , [ offset ] )

fnichol /
Created March 12, 2011 20:52
Download a cacert.pem for RailsInstaller


There is a long standing issue in Ruby where the net/http library by default does not check the validity of an SSL certificate during a TLS handshake. Rather than deal with the underlying problem (a missing certificate authority, a self-signed certificate, etc.) one tends to see bad hacks everywhere. This can lead to problems down the road.

From what I can see the OpenSSL library that Rails Installer delivers has no certificate authorities defined. So, let's go fetch some from the curl website. And since this is for ruby, why don't we download and install the file with a ruby script?


The Ruby Way! (Fun)

rwaldron / style-guide.js
Created January 24, 2011 18:20
Writing Idiomatic JavaScript
1. Two space soft indents (fake tabs) OR tabs... BUT NEVER BOTH - DO NOT MIX
2. Whitespace, Parens, Braces, Linebreaks
if/else/for/while/try always have spaces, braces and multiple lines.
eriwen / gist:187610
Created September 15, 2009 20:21 — forked from sanbornm/gist:177420
Pythonic site monitor
#!/usr/bin/env python
# sample usage:
import pickle, os, sys, logging
from httplib import HTTPConnection, socket
from smtplib import SMTP
def email_alert(message, status):
fromaddr = '[email protected]'