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Created November 2, 2024 04:09
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Delete all ECS slave nodes. If they are inactive in ECS, the exception will be ignored. Useful in runaway slaves or node issues.
for (aSlave in hudson.model.Hudson.instance.slaves) {
println('Name: ' +;
println('getLabelString: ' + aSlave.getLabelString());
println('getNumExectutors: ' + aSlave.getNumExecutors());
println('getRemoteFS: ' + aSlave.getRemoteFS());
println('getMode: ' + aSlave.getMode());
println('getRootPath: ' + aSlave.getRootPath());
// println('getDescriptor: ' + aSlave.getDescriptor());
println('getComputer: ' + aSlave.getComputer());
println('\tcomputer.isAcceptingTasks: ' + aSlave.getComputer().isAcceptingTasks());
println('\tcomputer.isLaunchSupported: ' + aSlave.getComputer().isLaunchSupported());
println('\tcomputer.getConnectTime: ' + aSlave.getComputer().getConnectTime());
println('\tcomputer.getDemandStartMilliseconds: ' + aSlave.getComputer().getDemandStartMilliseconds());
println('\tcomputer.isOffline: ' + aSlave.getComputer().isOffline());
println('\tcomputer.countBusy: ' + aSlave.getComputer().countBusy());
//if ( == 'NAME OF NODE TO DELETE') {
try {
println('Shutting down node!!!!');
println('\tcomputer.getLog: ' + aSlave.getComputer().getLog());
println('\tcomputer.getBuilds: ' + aSlave.getComputer().getBuilds());
} catch (Exception e) {
// }
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