- Something you care about
- Enough work for 6 weeks
- Too big isn't a problem
- Meetings will be weekly throughout the 6 weeks.
- They will
- Help refine your project scope
- Help prioritize your tasks
- Help organize and architect your code
- Give you high-level advice about what tools to use
- Before you start writing HTML, map it out on pen & paper, or using some of the available wire-framing tools if you'd prefer.
- Draw what you want the website to look like based on bootstrap columns and rows.
- Create the corresponding HTML with this layout, only using columns and rows from bootstrap.
- Reference this example from week 3 if you need to.
- Begin filling in content(buttons, labels, links, etc) in HTML skeleton.
- Start where the User would start.
- Pretend you are a user, how would a user use your application? What pages will they visit? What interactions will they have with the website?
- Follow the user's path and begin wire-framing pages accordingly. For instance, if the first page a user visits is the home page, begin wire-framing the home page.
- What do you need to complete the home page and only the homepage? What controller/s? What models? What HTML / CSS / JavaScript?
- Creating one page might be an entire iteration, likewise, there may be multiple pages involved in one iteration. Mentors and teachers will help judge this.
- Each iteration should be self-contained and showable(Would this feature be important to a business pitch?)
- Use Trello for planning your project.
- Break down the project into iterations
- Create a new column on Trello for each iteration, with each new block being a step in the iteration.
- Once your iterations are mapped out and discussed with a mentor / teacher, STICK to the iteration discipline.
- This means DO NOT leave the pre-mapped out iterations unless cleared with a mentor / teacher. There must be a compelling reason to deviate.
- Keep focused. No one else is working on your project for you. You have help with the planning process, and from the teachers to get over road-blocks, but nobody is going to put the code in the editor for you.
- Everybody will present to the judges with only the judges and members of the Ironhack team present.
- The judges are preselected south Florida tech figures outside of Ironhack that will determine the top projects.
- The top projects will be determined by technical complexity, innovative nature, the presentation, business potential, and execution / completeness of the idea.
- The top projects are selected to present at the hackshow in front of the community.