Oops, now you've got a bunch of locked modules. Here's a brute force method to remove every lock from dynamodb. Use this with caution.
terraform {
required_version = "= 1.0.8"
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "~> 3.60"
backend "s3" {
bucket = "my-terraform-bucket"
region = "us-east-1"
key = "my-terraform-module"
dynamodb_table = "terraform-lock"
Terraform will leave two types of entries in dynamodb:
- The path is locked:
"LockID": {"S": "my-terraform-bucket/my-terraform-module"}
"Info": {"S": "{\"ID\":\"abc-123-def-456\",\"Operation\":\"OperationTypePlan\",\"Info\":\"\",\"Who\":\"jim@COMPY9000\",\"Version\":\"1.0.8\",\"Created\":\"2591-09-30T02:00:03.4748211Z\",\"Path\":\"my-terraform-bucket/my-terraform-module\"}",
- The path is not locked:
"LockID": {"S": "my-terraform-bucket/my-terraform-module"}
"Digest": {"S": "abc1234567",
Filter for just those entries with "Info" keys:
aws dynamodb scan \
--table-name 'terraform-lock' \
--filter-expression 'begins_with(LockID, :lock_id)' \
--expression-attribute-values '{":lock_id": {"S": "my-terraform-bucket"}}' \
--query 'Items[?Info].Info.S' \
--output text | jq
The Info key is stringified JSON. Parse it and filter it by what you want. Here, I'm searching for my username@my-compy.
You can use jq or anything. Just output the Path at the end.
aws dynamodb scan \
--table-name 'terraform-lock' \
--filter-expression 'begins_with(LockID, :lock_id)' \
--expression-attribute-values '{":lock_id": {"S": "my-terraform-bucket"}}' \
--query 'Items[?Info].Info.S' \
--output text | jq --raw-olutput 'if .Who == "jim@COMPY9000" then .Path else "" end'
Ctrl + A
to move cursor to the beginningfor i in $(
Ctrl + E
to move cursor to the end); do echo $i; done
to validate that you've got your list of locks to delete
for i in $(aws dynamodb scan \
--table-name 'terraform-lock' \
--filter-expression 'begins_with(LockID, :lock_id)' \
--expression-attribute-values '{":lock_id": {"S": "my-terraform-bucket"}}' \
--query 'Items[?Info].Info.S' \
--output text | jq --raw-output 'if .Who == "jim@COMPY9000" then .Path else "" end');
echo $i;
Hope the previous step looked good, now it's time to delete those entries!
for i in $(aws dynamodb scan \
--table-name 'terraform-lock' \
--filter-expression 'begins_with(LockID, :lock_id)' \
--expression-attribute-values '{":lock_id": {"S": "my-terraform-bucket"}}' \
--query 'Items[?Info].Info.S' \
--output text | jq --raw-output 'if .Who == "jim@COMPY9000" then .Path else "" end');
aws dynamodb delete-item --table-name 'terraform-lock' --key '{"LockID":{"S":"'$i'"}}';