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Created June 14, 2012 22:49
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This Cloverleaf TPS script removes all OBX segments prior to the first one that contains "ADDENDUM". This script also renumbers the OBX segments. See
# This Cloverleaf TPS script removes all OBX segments prior to the first one that contains "ADDENDUM".
# This script also renumbers the OBX segments.
# See
proc remove_prior_to_addendum {args} {
# set the procedure name
# This is used for error messages
set procname [lindex [info level [info level]] 0]
# bring some common variables into the scope of this proc
global HciSite HciSiteDir HciProcessesDir HciConnName HciRootDir ibdir
# fetch mode
keylget args MODE mode
# keylget args ARGS.ARGNAME argname
switch -exact -- $mode {
start {
# Perform special init functions
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
run {
# 'run' mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
keylget args MSGID msgid
# get the message
set msgdata [msgget $msgid]
# does this message have "ADDENDUM"?
if {! [regexp {OBX[^\r]*\|ADDENDUM} $msgdata] } {
# This message does not have an ADDENDUM, so continue the message
return "{CONTINUE $msgid}"
# if we get here, we have an ADDENDUM
# get the separators
set segment_sep \r
# process the message
if { [catch {
# commands
# split the message into segments
set segments [split $msgdata $segment_sep]
# find the first OBX with an ADDENDUM
set addendum_index [lsearch -regexp $segments {^OBX[^\r]*\|ADDENDUM}]
# renumber the OBX segments that will remain
set i 1
foreach index [lsearch -all -regexp -start $addendum_index $segments {^OBX}] {
set segment [lindex $segments $index]
set segments [lreplace $segments $index $index [regsub {^OBX\|[0-9]*\|} $segment "OBX|$i|"]]
incr i
# now find any OBX segments prior to the ADDENDUM segment
set obx_indexes [lsearch -all -regexp [lrange $segments 0 [expr $addendum_index - 1]] {^OBX}]
# sort the indexes descending so that we can safely remove the indexes
set obx_indexes [lsort -decreasing -integer $obx_indexes]
# remove each segment
foreach index $obx_indexes {
set segments [lreplace $segments $index $index]
# rebuild the message
set msgdata [join $segments $segment_sep]
} errmsg ] } {
# the commands errored
global errorInfo
msgmetaset $msgid USERDATA "ERROR: $errmsg\n*** Tcl TRACE ***\n$errorInfo"
# rethrow the error
error $errmsg $errorInfo
# set the output message
msgset $msgid $msgdata
# return whether to kill, continue, etc. the message
return "{CONTINUE $msgid}"
time {
# Timer-based processing
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
shutdown {
# Do some clean-up work
default {
error "Unknown mode in $procname: $mode"
return "" ;# Dont know what to do
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