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James Tindal james-tindal

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james-tindal / reader-3b355954.css
Created April 9, 2020 16:31
Overrides to add speed control to Blinkist
.modal {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 10000;
overflow-y: auto;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
background: rgba(58,70,73,.7)
james-tindal / csvMessage
Last active January 3, 2021 03:24
Send multiple iMessages from CSV and message template. Will prompt for .csv and .txt template files.
if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then stdinmsg=$(cat); fi
exec <"$0" || exit; read v; read v; read v; exec /usr/bin/osascript - "$@" "$stdinmsg"; exit
on run
set pathCSVFile to (choose file with prompt "Select the CSV file" of type "csv")
set strCSV to read pathCSVFile
set pathTemplateFile to (choose file with prompt "Select the message template" of type "txt")
set messageTemplate to read pathTemplateFile
james-tindal / index.js
Created February 11, 2016 18:42
var tapOut = require('tap-out')
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn
var exec = require('child_process').exec
var map = require('lodash/collection/map')
var filter = require('lodash/collection/filter')
var forEach = require('lodash/collection/forEach')
function TapWebpackPlugin (formatter) {
this.formatter = formatter