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Last active December 28, 2020 23:51
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Solve (jigsaw, fill tile) puzzle by backtracking

Puzzle must have tiles and a final state. Screenshot_20201226-104548


    (('R', ' '), ('B', 'R')),
    (('B', ' '), (' ', ' '))
sol = PuzzleSolver()

    (('R', ' '), ('B', 'B')),
    (('B', 'B'), ('R', ' ')),
    (('R', 'B'), (' ', ' ')),
    (('B', 'B'), (' ', ' ')),
    (('B', 'R'), (' ', ' ')),
    ((' ', 'R'), ('R', 'B')),
    (('R', 'R'), (' ', 'B')),
    (('R', 'B'), (' ', ' ')),
    (('B', 'R'), (' ', 'B')),
    (('R', 'R'), (' ', ' '))
sol = PuzzleSolver()
sol.solve(FINAL, BLOCKS)

    (('1', '1', '1'), ),
    (('1', '1'), ('1', '1')),
    (('1', '1'), ('1', '1')),
    (('1', ' ', ' '), ('1', '1', '1')),
sol = PuzzleSolver()
sol.solve(FINAL, BLOCKS)
from collections import deque
from typing import Tuple, Any
from functools import lru_cache
class PuzzleSolver():
def rotate(self, block):
"""Rotate a block clockwise 3 times.
angles_nums = [0, 90, 180, 270]
angles = [(0, block)]
for i in range(3):
block = tuple(zip(*block[::-1]))
angles.append((angles_nums[i], block))
return angles
def verify(self, board, final):
rows = len(board)
cols = len(board[0])
for row in range(rows):
for col in range(cols):
if board[row][col] != final[row][col]:
return False
return True
def solve(self, final, original_blocks: Tuple[Any], allow_skip=3, allow_overlap=False): = final
rows = len(final)
cols = len(final[0])
board = [[' '] * cols for i in range(rows)]
blocks_detail = {} # Store blocks info like index, rotation
blocks = deque([(block, index) for index, block in enumerate(original_blocks)])
def canplace(block, row, col):
blockrows = len(block)
blockcols = len(block[0])
for br in range(blockrows):
for bc in range(blockcols):
if block[br][bc] == ' ':
if row + br >= rows or col + bc >= cols:
return False
if block[br][bc] != final[row + br][col + bc] or board[row + br][col + bc] != ' ':
return False
return True
def place(block, row, col, blockindex, angle):
blockrows = len(block)
blockcols = len(block[0])
for br in range(blockrows):
for bc in range(blockcols):
if block[br][bc] == ' ':
board[row + br][col + bc] = block[br][bc]
blocks_detail[(row + br, col + bc)] = (blockindex, angle)
def remove(block, row, col):
blockrows = len(block)
blockcols = len(block[0])
for br in range(blockrows):
for bc in range(blockcols):
if block[br][bc] == ' ':
board[row + br][col + bc] = ' '
blocks_detail.pop((row + br, col + bc), None)
def print_solution():
print('Yay, found a solution')
for row in range(rows):
for col in range(cols):
print(board[row][col], end='\t')
for row in range(rows):
for col in range(cols):
if (row, col) in blocks_detail:
index, angle = blocks_detail[(row, col)]
print(index, end='\t')
print('?', end='\t')
for index, block in enumerate(original_blocks):
for row in block:
print('\t\t', row)
def backtrack(row, col, skipped=0):
"""Try to place a block at row, col
# No more blocks left
if not blocks and self.verify(board, final):
return True
if skipped > allow_skip:
return False
if col >= cols:
col = 0
row += 1
if row >= rows:
return False
blockleft = len(blocks)
for i in range(blockleft):
block, blockindex = blocks.popleft()
for angle, rotated in self.rotate(block):
if canplace(rotated, row, col):
place(rotated, row, col, blockindex, angle)
if backtrack(row, col + 1, 0):
pass #return True
if allow_overlap and backtrack(row, col, 0):
return True
remove(rotated, row, col)
blocks.append((block, blockindex))
return backtrack(row, col + 1, skipped + 1)
backtrack(0, 0)
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