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Jakub Dubovsky james64

  • Salsita
  • Prague
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Node name: 'consul-server-2'
Datacenter: 'dc1' (Segment: '<all>')
Server: true (Bootstrap: false)
Client Addr: [] (HTTP: 8500, HTTPS: -1, gRPC: -1, DNS: 8600)
Cluster Addr: (LAN: 8301, WAN: 8302)
Encrypt: Gossip: true, TLS-Outgoing: false, TLS-Incoming: false, Auto-Encrypt-TLS: false
Version: '1.9.0'
==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs:
2020-12-01T14:43:32.561Z [WARN] agent: bootstrap_expect > 0: expecting 3 servers
==> Starting Consul agent...
Node ID: '3048cdda-bdc9-e93e-54eb-809e8c03ae05'
Node name: 'consul-server-1'
Cluster Addr: (LAN: 8301, WAN: 8302)
==> Starting Consul agent...
Version: '1.9.0'
Datacenter: 'dc1' (Segment: '<all>')
Server: true (Bootstrap: false)
Client Addr: [] (HTTP: 8500, HTTPS: -1, gRPC: -1, DNS: 8600)
Encrypt: Gossip: true, TLS-Outgoing: false, TLS-Incoming: false, Auto-Encrypt-TLS: false
==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs:
==> Starting Consul agent...
Node ID: 'c8bb9a79-dcf1-edd3-66b9-851265043986'
Datacenter: 'dc1' (Segment: '<all>')
Server: true (Bootstrap: false)
Version: '1.9.0'
Node name: 'consul-server-0'
==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs:
Client Addr: [] (HTTP: 8500, HTTPS: -1, gRPC: -1, DNS: 8600)
Cluster Addr: (LAN: 8301, WAN: 8302)
Encrypt: Gossip: true, TLS-Outgoing: false, TLS-Incoming: false, Auto-Encrypt-TLS: false
Version: '1.9.0'
Node ID: 'b9f7cef9-97d2-f4e5-7fda-fb2e25e1ad00'
Node name: 'worker2.k8s'
Datacenter: 'dc1' (Segment: '')
Server: false (Bootstrap: false)
Client Addr: [] (HTTP: 8500, HTTPS: -1, gRPC: 8502, DNS: 8600)
Cluster Addr: (LAN: 8301, WAN: 8302)
Encrypt: Gossip: true, TLS-Outgoing: false, TLS-Incoming: false, Auto-Encrypt-TLS: false
==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs:
2020-12-01T14:43:27.670Z [WARN] agent: Node name "worker2.k8s" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
Node name: 'worker1.k8s'
Datacenter: 'dc1' (Segment: '')
Server: false (Bootstrap: false)
Client Addr: [] (HTTP: 8500, HTTPS: -1, gRPC: 8502, DNS: 8600)
Cluster Addr: (LAN: 8301, WAN: 8302)
Encrypt: Gossip: true, TLS-Outgoing: false, TLS-Incoming: false, Auto-Encrypt-TLS: false
==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs:
2020-12-01T14:43:21.998Z [WARN] agent: Node name "worker1.k8s" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
==> Starting Consul agent...
Version: '1.9.0'
==> Starting Consul agent...
Version: '1.9.0'
Node ID: 'c2ce972c-a438-dbeb-6a8c-fc696d3228f7'
Node name: 'worker3.k8s'
Datacenter: 'dc1' (Segment: '')
Server: false (Bootstrap: false)
Client Addr: [] (HTTP: 8500, HTTPS: -1, gRPC: 8502, DNS: 8600)
Cluster Addr: (LAN: 8301, WAN: 8302)
Encrypt: Gossip: true, TLS-Outgoing: false, TLS-Incoming: false, Auto-Encrypt-TLS: false
==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs:
2020/07/14 13:13:54 [INFO] Terraform version: 0.12.26
2020/07/14 13:13:54 [INFO] Go runtime version: go1.14.4
2020/07/14 13:13:54 [INFO] CLI args: []string{"/usr/bin/terraform", "plan"}
2020/07/14 13:13:54 [DEBUG] Attempting to open CLI config file: /home/dubovsky/.terraformrc
2020/07/14 13:13:54 [DEBUG] File doesn't exist, but doesn't need to. Ignoring.
2020/07/14 13:13:54 [INFO] CLI command args: []string{"plan"}
2020/07/14 13:13:54 [WARN] Log levels other than TRACE are currently unreliable, and are supported only for backward compatibility.
Use TF_LOG=TRACE to see Terraform's internal logs.
2020/07/14 13:13:54 [DEBUG] New state was assigned lineage "a99ed7a2-819b-a65e-0ef6-45a86212efa1"
james64 / snb_server_startup_log.txt
Created November 23, 2017 12:15
SNB log describing failed startup.
17/11/23 10:15:03 WARN application: Logger configuration in conf files is deprecated and has no effect. Use a logback configuration file instead.
17/11/23 10:16:22 INFO slf4j.Slf4jLogger: Slf4jLogger started
17/11/23 10:16:25 WARN application: application.langs is deprecated, use play.i18n.langs instead
17/11/23 10:16:30 WARN application: application.conf @ file:/home/dubovsky/spark-notebook/spark-notebook-0.9.0-SNAPSHOT-scala-2.11.8-spark-2.2.0-hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1-git3bb21b0/conf/application.conf: 8: application.secret is deprecated, use play.crypto.secret instead
17/11/23 10:16:31 INFO api.Play: Application started (Prod)
17/11/23 10:16:58 INFO server.NettyServer: Listening for HTTP on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9210
[DEBUG] [11/23/2017 10:18:21.724] [netty-event-loop-3] [EventStream] StandardOutLogger started
17/11/23 10:18:24 INFO slf4j.Slf4jLogger: Slf4jLogger started
[DEBUG] [11/23/2017 10:18:24.738] [netty-event-loop-3] [EventStream(akka://NotebookServer)] logger log1-Slf4jLogger started
[DEBUG] [11/23/2017 10
james64 / versions-comparison-sbt.log
Created October 11, 2017 13:57
Manual log from comparison whether string versions are the same after build.sbt update
git checkout minor-sbt-updates
sbt -v
show sparkNotebook/*:bashScriptExtraDefines
[info] * addJava "-Duser.dir=$(realpath "$(cd "${app_home}/.."; pwd -P)" $(is_cygwin && echo "fix"))"
[info] * export ADD_JARS="${ADD_JARS},${lib_dir}/$(ls ${lib_dir} | grep io.kensu.common | head)"
show sparkNotebook/universal:version