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Created February 2, 2018 19:01
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
function usage {
echo "view-log <status-regex> [--pull]"
exit 1
[[ "$1" == "" ]] && usage || filter=$1
[[ ! -d ~/.awslogs ]] && mkdir ~/.awslogs
opscore iam refresh --account cloudbees-main --role infra-admin --profile log-admin
IFS=- read year month day <<< "$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"
latest=`aws s3 ls $s3path --recursive --profile log-admin | sort | tail -n1`
read date time size log_s3_path <<< $latest
log_zipped=`basename $log_s3_path`
echo "date: $date"
echo "time: $time"
echo "size: $size bytes"
echo "log in s3: $log_s3_path"
echo "log zipped: $log_zipped"
echo "log ext: $log_ext"
echo "log name: $log_name"
aws s3 cp $s3path/$log_zipped ~/.awslogs/$log_zipped --profile log-admin
gzip -df ~/.awslogs/$log_zipped
cat ~/.awslogs/$log_name | cut -d' ' -f2,9,10,4,5,13,14 | grep -E "$filter \""
opscore -q iam expire --profile log-admin
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