I just started writing an app using Spring Boot/Angular 2 combo. Once I had the initial demo up and working and cracked wiring in Spring security (another blog entirely), my attention turned to writing some tests that would drive the next phases.
My Spring Boot back-end can be unit/integration tested on it's own. I was interested in making sure the user experience was tested. Tradionally I might have turned to Geb for a full server side project, but this is mostly just javascript and I know how fast Jasmine/Karma tests run, so there must be a nice way of doing this?
Indeed I was not disappointed to find that Angular ng new webapp
had already created me a e2e folder with a skeleton Protractor test to point the way.
But how to stub out the back-end? I have used many mocking frameworks before; Sinon, for example, is excellent in unit tests. There must by a simple way of doing it for Protractor/An