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Adyen Test Card Numbers
Adyen Test Card Numbers
These cards are only valid on our TEST system and they will never involve any actual transaction or transfer of funds. The TEST card numbers will not work on the Adyen LIVE Platform.
For all cards use the following expiration and CVV2/CVC2/or CID for Amex.
For all cards:
Expiration Dates CVV2 / CVC3 CID (American Express)
06/2016 OR 08/2018 737 7373
Card Number Card Type Issuing Country
5100 0811 1222 3332 Bijenkorf NL
5100 2900 2900 2909 Consumer NL
5577 0000 5577 0004 Consumer PL
5136 3333 3333 3335 Consumer FR
5585 5585 5585 5583 Consumer ES
5555 4444 3333 1111 Consumer GB
5555 5555 5555 4444 Corporate GB
5500 0000 0000 0004 Debit US
5424 0000 0000 0015 Pro EC
Card Number Card Type Issuing Country
4111 1111 1111 1111 Consumer NL
4988 4388 4388 4305 Classic ES
4166 6766 6766 6746 Classic NL
4646 4646 4646 4644 Classic PL
4444 3333 2222 1111 Corporate GB
4400 0000 0000 0008 Debit US
4977 9494 9494 9497 Gold FR
Card Number Card Type Issuing Country
3569 9900 1009 5841 Consumer US
Card Number Card Type Issuing Country
4035 5010 0000 0008 Visadebit/Cartebancaire FR
4360 0000 0100 0005 Cartebancaire FR
American Express
Card Number Issuing Country
3700 0000 0000 002 NL
Card Number Issuing Country
3600 6666 3333 44 US
Card Number Issuing Country
6011 6011 6011 6611 US
6445 6445 6445 6445 GB
Card Number Card Type Issuing Country
6731 0123 4567 8906 International NL
6759 6498 2643 8453
Start Date 12 / 2007, Issue Number 1 Maestro UK GB
Test Card Number CVV2/CVC2 Username Password Issuing Country
6703 4444 4444 4449 None user password BE
Card Number Issuing Country
6062 8288 8866 6688 BR
Card Number Issuing Country
5066 9911 1111 1118 BR
Card Number
5019 5555 4444 5555
China Unionpay & Unionpay - Debit Card
Card Number PIN SMS Cellphone
6222 9888 1234 0000 123456 111111 13552535506
Unionpay - Credit Card
Card Number Expiry Date CVN2 Cellphone SMS
6221 5588 1234 0000 11/2017 123 13552535506
China Union Pay - Express Pay (cup)
Card Number Expiry Date CVC Issuing Country
6243 0300 0000 0001 06/2016 737 CN
Card Number Card Type House Number Address ZIP Code Country
5500000000000004 MC 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 US
5555555555554444 MC 10
Downing Street,London
374251018720018 Amex 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 US
374251021090003 Amex 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014 US
374101012180018 Amex 10 Downing Street,London SW1A 2AA GB
374251033270007 Amex 8-10 Broadway, Westminster, London SW1H 0BG GB
4400000000000008 Visa 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014 US
4444333322221111 Visa 8-10 Broadway, Westminster, London SW1H 0BG GB
TEST 3D-Secure Data / SafeKey
Card Number Card Type Username Password Country
5212 3456 7890 1234 MC user password JP
4212 3456 7890 1237 Visa user password CA
3451 7792 5488 348 Amex user password
3569 9900 1009 5833 JCB user password US
Account Number / Kontonummer Bank ID / Bankleitzahl (BLZ)
1234567890 12345678
Account Number / Kontonummer Bank Location Id Account Holder Name / Name des Kontoinhabers SC Extension SC
1234567890 44448888 <anything> 10 4000
Direct Debit / Incasso (NL)
Account Number / Bankrekening Account Holder Name / Ten name van: Selected Bank / Selecteer uw bank
123456789 <anything> <anything>
Bank Name Account Number (If NeedeD) Other Data
TestBank 88888888 <anything>
countryCode of the payment must be DE
Using a different accountNumber (live data) will initiate a real payment. This payment will NOT be transferred to your account, and is therefore lost. It is not possible to reverse or refund this payment!
Name IBAN Country
A. Klaassen NL13TEST0123456789 NL
B. Klaassen NL36TEST0236169114 NL
C. Klaassen NL26TEST0336169116 NL
D. Klaassen NL16TEST0436169118 NL
E. Klaassen NL81TEST0536169128 NL
F. Klaassen NL27TEST0636169146 NL
G. Klaassen NL39TEST0736169237 NL
H. Klaassen NL82TEST0836169255 NL
I. Klaassen NL72TEST0936169257 NL
J. Klaassen NL46TEST0136169112 NL
K. Klaassen NL70TEST0736160337 NL
L. Klaassen NL18TEST0736162437 NL
M. Klaassen NL92TEST0736163433 NL
A. Schneider DE87123456781234567890 DE
B. Schneider DE92123456789876543210 DE
C. Schneider DE14123456780023456789 DE
D. Schneider DE36444488881234567890 DE
E. Schneider DE41444488889876543210 DE
F. Schneider DE60444488880023456789 DE
G. Schneider DE89888888881234567890 DE
H. Schneider DE94888888889876543210 DE
I. Schneider DE16888888880023456789 DE
A. Pacini IT60X0542811101000000123456 IT
A. Grand FR1420041010050500013M02606 FR
A. Martin ES9121000418450200051332 ES
W. Hurth AT151234512345678901 AT
H. Gasser CH4912345123456789012 CH
R. Paulsen DK8612341234567890 DK
A. Smih GB85TEST12345612345678 GB
B. Dalby NO6012341234561 NO
A. Bak PL20123123411234567890123456 PL
A. Andersson SE9412312345678901234561 SE
Gift Cards
Card Type Card Holder Name Card Number PIN
Gall & Gall Card <anything> 6064 3650 1000 0000 000 73737
Baby Gift Card <anything> 6064 3622 0000 0000 000 73737
Gift Card <anything> 6280 5011 0000 0000 000 73737
Kado Wereld <anything> 6064 3625 1000 0000 000 73737
Entertainment Card <anything> 6064 3611 0000 0000 000 73737
Plastix <anything> 4010 1000 0000 0000 000 73737
Webshop Giftcard <anything> 6064 3620 7000 0000 000 73737
Leasure Giftcard <anything> 6064 3622 8000 0000 000 73737
To test the balance check use cardholder 'balance EUR <balance amount>' (e.g. 'balance EUR 100' for a balance of 1.00 EUR)
Each bank has a transaction status associated. Depending of the bank you choose the payment will be AUTHORISED, CANCELLED, REFUSED or PENDING. There is one for each status (CANCELLED, REFUSED and PENDING) and the rest will AUTHORISE the payment.
Format: Country Code + Resultcode Example success: "GB00" Example refusal: "DE11"
You can find the Klarna Test details on the following website:
QIWI Wallet
Mobile Number +78000005105
Password Zei4chie
Checkout SMS code 975651
SMS for Oauth 209807
*Only use a payment amount of 2.00 RUB
Card Number
0000 0000 0990 3417
Cash Ticket
Card Number
0000 0000 0990 3188
Username Password
DemoShopper DemoShopper
PayPal Sandbox Shopper
Username Password
[email protected] p@ssword
For Interac any email address can be provided, but the amount of the test transaction must be 101.00 CAD.
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