I've tried to keep out of the Scottish Independence debate, for virtue of that I haven't lived in Scotland for four years, however it is a topic which evokes strong emotions in me through the possibility of further losing ties to my homeland.
I do not get a vote in this referendum, nor should I, but this has not stopped me from forming an opinion.
I have seen a lot of wishy thinking and hollow policies from the Yes campaign, and a lot of fear mongering and back-handed tricks from the No campaign. I have seen passionate and convincing debate from both sides, and have found myself supporting either side at one time or another.
However what seems to be getting lost among the lively debate is the true purpose of this referendum: self determination. Should Scotland receive total governance from Holyrood, or continue the path of devolution with Westminster at the political forefront. Politicians linger on, bickering about currency, EU admittance, oil revenues and the like; but these are short term issues which can be resolved through negotiation. The referendum is about Scotland in 25, 50 and 100 years time; not 18 months time. Nobody has suggested that secession is an easy path, or one that is free of pain; secession is about taking what is believed to be out of your control into your own hands.
The question for me is actually one of Westminster. Can the corrupt, elitist cesspool that currently constitutes our democratic system, and all that surrounds it, ever be reformed? Call me a pessimist you may, call me jaded before my time you might, but I think the answer might be a firm no. There you have it; the one option, that at least the Scottish people have, for a modern democracy that represents its people might be that of independence.