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Last active November 8, 2024 06:48
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Using PROJ from ClojureCLR on .NET 8 for fun and profit (at your own risk, no implied warranty etc)
;; Using proj from ClojureCLR on .NET 8 for fun and profit (at your own risk, no implied warranty etc)
;; Inspired by
;; Tested on Ubuntu 22.04 with libproj-dev 8.2.1
;<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
; <PropertyGroup>
; <OutputType>Exe</OutputType>
; <TargetFramework>net8.0</TargetFramework>
; <ImplicitUsings>enable</ImplicitUsings>
; </PropertyGroup>
; <ItemGroup>
; <PackageReference Include="Clojure" Version="1.12.0-alpha8" />
; <PackageReference Include="" Version="0.1.0-alpha1" />
; </ItemGroup>
(ns example.proj
(:use clojure.repl clojure.pprint)
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as string])
(:import [System.Collections IList ICollection IEnumerable IEnumerator]
[System.Reflection BindingFlags FieldInfo AssemblyName TypeAttributes]
[System.Reflection FieldAttributes MethodAttributes MethodImplAttributes]
[System.Reflection.Emit OpCodes AssemblyBuilder AssemblyBuilderAccess]
[System.Reflection CallingConventions Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder]
[System.Runtime.InteropServices NativeLibrary Marshal]
[System.Runtime.InteropServices MarshalAsAttribute UnmanagedType]))
(defn invalid-op [tb interface method return-type parameter-types]
(let [exCtorInfo (.GetConstructor InvalidOperationException Type/EmptyTypes)
mb (.DefineMethod tb (name method)
(enum-or MethodAttributes/Virtual MethodAttributes/HideBySig MethodAttributes/Public)
(into-array Type parameter-types))
il (.GetILGenerator mb)]
(.Emit il OpCodes/Newobj exCtorInfo)
(.Emit il OpCodes/Throw)
(.DefineMethodOverride tb mb (.GetMethod interface (name method) (into-array Type parameter-types)))
(def counter (atom 0))
(defn make-struct-type
"Generate a subclass of ValueType with attributes to facilitate interop as well as methods to implement
IList for convenient use from Clojure. Basically a fixed size array wrapped in a struct e.g. PJ_COORD."
[element-type n]
(let [assemblyName (new AssemblyName (format "Dynamic%d" (swap! counter inc)))
assemblyBuilder (AssemblyBuilder/DefineDynamicAssembly assemblyName AssemblyBuilderAccess/Run)
module (.DefineDynamicModule assemblyBuilder "DynamicTypeModule")
tb (.DefineType module
(format "%s%d-%s" (.Name element-type) n (Guid/NewGuid))
(enum-or TypeAttributes/Public TypeAttributes/SequentialLayout)
;; create field which is to hold array value
field-name "Value"
field-type (Type/GetType (String/Concat (.FullName element-type) "[]") true false)
fb (.DefineField tb field-name field-type FieldAttributes/Public)
cinfo (.GetConstructor MarshalAsAttribute (into-array Type [UnmanagedType]))
cab (new CustomAttributeBuilder cinfo (object-array [UnmanagedType/ByValArray])
(into-array FieldInfo [(.GetField MarshalAsAttribute "SizeConst")])
(object-array [(int n)]))
_ (.SetCustomAttribute fb cab)
;; constructor (testing only!)
objCtor (.GetConstructor Object Type/EmptyTypes)
mb (.DefineConstructor tb
(enum-or MethodAttributes/RTSpecialName MethodAttributes/HideBySig MethodAttributes/Public)
(into-array Type [field-type]))
il (.GetILGenerator mb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldarg_0)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Call objCtor)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldarg_0)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldarg_1)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Stfld fb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ret)
;; proxy calls to GetEnumerator onto field's GetEnumerator method
_ (.AddInterfaceImplementation tb IEnumerable)
mb (.DefineMethod tb "GetEnumerator"
(enum-or MethodAttributes/Virtual MethodAttributes/HideBySig MethodAttributes/Public)
il (.GetILGenerator mb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldarg_0)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldfld fb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Call (.GetMethod field-type "GetEnumerator"))
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ret)
_ (.DefineMethodOverride tb mb (.GetMethod IEnumerable "GetEnumerator"))
;; proxy ICollection onto field
_ (.AddInterfaceImplementation tb ICollection)
mb (.DefineMethod tb "CopyTo"
(enum-or MethodAttributes/Virtual MethodAttributes/HideBySig MethodAttributes/Public)
(into-array Type [Array Int32]))
il (.GetILGenerator mb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldarg_0)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldfld fb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldarg_1)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldarg_2)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Call (.GetMethod field-type "CopyTo" (into-array Type [Array Int32])))
;_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ret)
_ (.DefineMethodOverride tb mb (.GetMethod ICollection "CopyTo"))
mb (.DefineMethod tb "get_Count"
(enum-or MethodAttributes/Virtual MethodAttributes/HideBySig MethodAttributes/Public)
il (.GetILGenerator mb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldarg_0)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldfld fb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Call (.GetMethod field-type "get_Length")) ;; hmm, why not get_Count here?
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ret)
_ (.DefineMethodOverride tb mb (.GetMethod ICollection "get_Count"))
mb (.DefineMethod tb "get_IsSynchronized"
(enum-or MethodAttributes/Virtual MethodAttributes/HideBySig MethodAttributes/Public)
il (.GetILGenerator mb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldarg_0)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldfld fb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Call (.GetMethod field-type "get_IsSynchronized"))
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ret)
_ (.DefineMethodOverride tb mb (.GetMethod ICollection "get_IsSynchronized"))
mb (.DefineMethod tb "get_SyncRoot"
(enum-or MethodAttributes/Virtual MethodAttributes/HideBySig MethodAttributes/Public)
il (.GetILGenerator mb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldarg_0)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldfld fb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Call (.GetMethod field-type "get_SyncRoot"))
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ret)
_ (.DefineMethodOverride tb mb (.GetMethod ICollection "get_SyncRoot"))
; ICollection
; (CopyTo [this arr offset]
; (dotimes [i cnt]
; (aset arr (+ i offset) (.nth this i))))
; (get_Count [_] cnt)
; (get_IsSynchronized [_] true)
; (get_SyncRoot [this] this)
;; proxy IList onto field
_ (.AddInterfaceImplementation tb IList)
mb (.DefineMethod tb "get_Item"
(enum-or MethodAttributes/Virtual MethodAttributes/HideBySig MethodAttributes/Public)
(into-array Type [Int32]))
il (.GetILGenerator mb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldarg_0)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldfld fb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldarg_1)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Call (.GetMethod field-type "GetValue" (into-array Type [Int32])))
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ret)
_ (.DefineMethodOverride tb mb (.GetMethod IList "get_Item" (into-array Type [Int32])))
mb (.DefineMethod tb "get_IsReadOnly"
(enum-or MethodAttributes/Virtual MethodAttributes/HideBySig MethodAttributes/Public)
il (.GetILGenerator mb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldarg_0)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldfld fb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Call (.GetMethod field-type "get_IsReadOnly"))
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ret)
_ (.DefineMethodOverride tb mb (.GetMethod IList "get_IsReadOnly"))
mb (.DefineMethod tb "get_IsFixedSize"
(enum-or MethodAttributes/Virtual MethodAttributes/HideBySig MethodAttributes/Public)
il (.GetILGenerator mb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldarg_0)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ldfld fb)
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Call (.GetMethod field-type "get_IsFixedSize"))
_ (.Emit il OpCodes/Ret)
_ (.DefineMethodOverride tb mb (.GetMethod IList "get_IsFixedSize"))
_ (invalid-op tb IList 'Add Int32 [Object])
_ (invalid-op tb IList 'Clear Void [])
_ (invalid-op tb IList 'Remove Void [Object])
;_ (invalid-op tb IList 'get_Item Object [Int32])
_ (invalid-op tb IList 'set_Item Void [Int32 Object])
_ (invalid-op tb IList 'Insert Void [Int32 Object])
;_ (invalid-op tb IList 'IndexOf Int32 [Object Int32 Int32])
;_ (invalid-op tb IList 'IndexOf Int32 [Object Int32])
_ (invalid-op tb IList 'IndexOf Int32 [Object])
_ (invalid-op tb IList 'Contains Boolean [Object])
_ (invalid-op tb IList 'RemoveAt Void [Int32])
; IList
; (Add [_ v] (throw (InvalidOperationException.)))
; (Clear [_] (throw (InvalidOperationException.)))
; (Insert [_ i v] (throw (InvalidOperationException.)))
; (Remove [_ v] (throw (InvalidOperationException.)))
; (RemoveAt [_ i] (throw (InvalidOperationException.)))
; (Contains [this o] (boolean (some #(= % o) this)))
; (IndexOf [this o]
; (loop [i (int 0)]
; (cond
; (== i (.-Length (.-Item s))) -1
; (= o (aget (.-Item s) i)) i
; :else (recur (inc i)))))
; (get_IsFixedSize [_] true)
; (get_Item [this i] (aget (.-Item s) i))
; (set_Item [_ i v] (throw (InvalidOperationException.)))
(.CreateType tb)))
(def delegate-type-factory
(let [assemblyName (new AssemblyName (format "%s-Delegates" (str *ns*)))
assemblyBuilder (AssemblyBuilder/DefineDynamicAssembly assemblyName AssemblyBuilderAccess/RunAndCollect)
module (.DefineDynamicModule assemblyBuilder "DynamicTypeModule")]
(fn [returnType parameterTypes]
(let [tb (.DefineType module
(format "DynamicDelegate-%s" (Guid/NewGuid))
(enum-or TypeAttributes/Public TypeAttributes/Sealed)
ctr (.DefineConstructor tb
(enum-or MethodAttributes/RTSpecialName MethodAttributes/HideBySig MethodAttributes/Public)
(into-array Type [Object IntPtr]))
_ (.SetImplementationFlags ctr
(enum-or MethodImplAttributes/Runtime MethodImplAttributes/Managed))
invokeMethod (.DefineMethod tb "Invoke"
(enum-or MethodAttributes/Virtual MethodAttributes/HideBySig MethodAttributes/Public)
_ (.SetImplementationFlags invokeMethod
(enum-or MethodImplAttributes/Runtime MethodImplAttributes/Managed))]
(.CreateType tb)))))
(def libs
{:instance (NativeLibrary/Load "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/") ; Linux
#_(NativeLibrary/Load "/usr/local/lib/libproj.dylib") ; macOS
#_(NativeLibrary/Load "C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin\\proj_8_2.dll") ; Windows
:success 0
"other/unspecified error related to coordinate operation initialization"]
"invalid pipeline structure, missing +proj argument, etc"]
"missing required operation parameter"]
"one of the operation parameter has an illegal value"]
1028 ["PROJ_ERR_INVALID_OP_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_ARGS" "mutually exclusive arguments"]
"file not found (particular case of PROJ_ERR_INVALID_OP_ILLEGAL_ARG_VALUE)"]
4096 ["PROJ_ERR_OTHER" ""]}}})
(defn delegate-for-function-pointer
[export types]
(delegate-type-factory (last types) (into-array Type (butlast types)))))
(defn zero?' [z]
(cond (instance? IntPtr z) (= IntPtr/Zero z)
(instance? IConvertible z) (zero? z)
:default false))
(defn make-fn [{:keys [function-name arg-types return-type failure zero-means-success?]}]
{:pre [(vector? arg-types)]}
(let [prefix (cond (string/starts-with? function-name "proj_") "proj_"
:default (throw (new ArgumentException "no library found")))
library (get-in libs [prefix :instance])
export (NativeLibrary/GetExport library function-name)
types (conj arg-types (or return-type IntPtr))]
(fn [& args]
(let [delegate (delegate-for-function-pointer export types) ;; TODO: cache this? something weird happening with GC
_ (assert (not (nil? delegate)))
ret (case (count args)
0 (.Invoke delegate)
1 (.Invoke delegate (nth args 0))
2 (.Invoke delegate (nth args 0) (nth args 1))
3 (.Invoke delegate (nth args 0) (nth args 1) (nth args 2))
4 (.Invoke delegate (nth args 0) (nth args 1) (nth args 2) (nth args 3))
5 (.Invoke delegate (nth args 0) (nth args 1) (nth args 2) (nth args 3) (nth args 4)))]
(cond (and (zero?' ret) zero-means-success?) true
(and (zero?' ret) (not zero-means-success?)) (throw (new Exception (format "%s returned zero" function-name)))
;; TODO: use proj_context_errno(ctx)
(and (not (zero?' ret)) zero-means-success?) (throw
(new Exception
(apply format "%s %d %s %s" function-name ret (get-in libs [prefix :errors ret] [nil nil]))))
(nil? return-type) nil
:else ret)))))
(def proj_context_create
{:function-name "proj_context_create" :arg-types [] :return-type IntPtr}))
(def proj_create
{:function-name "proj_create"
:arg-types [IntPtr String]
:return-type IntPtr}))
(def proj_as_wkt
{:function-name "proj_as_wkt"
:arg-types [IntPtr IntPtr Int32 IntPtr]
:return-type IntPtr}))
(def proj_crs_get_geodetic_crs
{:function-name "proj_crs_get_geodetic_crs"
:arg-types [IntPtr, IntPtr]
:return-type IntPtr}))
(def proj_create_crs_to_crs
{:function-name "proj_create_crs_to_crs"
:arg-types [IntPtr, String, String, IntPtr]
:return-type IntPtr}))
(def proj_create_crs_to_crs_from_pj
{:function-name "proj_create_crs_to_crs_from_pj"
:arg-types [IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, String]
:return-type IntPtr}))
(def Coord (make-struct-type Double 4))
(def proj_coord
{:function-name "proj_coord"
:arg-types [Double, Double, Double, Double]
:return-type Coord}))
(def proj_trans
{:function-name "proj_trans"
:arg-types [IntPtr, Int32, Coord]
:return-type Coord}))
(def proj_destroy
{:function-name "proj_destroy"
:arg-types [IntPtr]
:return-type IntPtr
:zero-means-success? true}))
(def proj_context_destroy
{:function-name "proj_context_destroy"
:arg-types [IntPtr]
:return-type IntPtr
:zero-means-success? true}))
(def PJ_WKT2_2019 (int 2))
(def PJ_FWD (int 1))
(def PJ_INV (int -1))
(def HUGE_VAL Double/PositiveInfinity)
;; todo : implement something like (with-open ...) for IntPtr -> proj_destroy
(defn convert [to params]
(let [{:keys [lat lon h x y z srs]} (merge {:srs "EPSG:4326"} params)
_ (case srs
"EPSG:4326" (assert (and (some? lat) (some? lon)))
"EPSG:4979" (assert (and (some? lat) (some? lon) (some? h)))
"EPSG:4978" (assert (and (some? x) (some? y) (some? z))))
C (proj_context_create)
P (proj_create_crs_to_crs C srs to IntPtr/Zero)
c_in (case srs
"EPSG:4326" (proj_coord lat lon 0.0 HUGE_VAL)
"EPSG:4979" (proj_coord lat lon h HUGE_VAL)
"EPSG:4978" (proj_coord x y z HUGE_VAL))
c_out (proj_trans P PJ_FWD c_in)]
(case to
"EPSG:4326" {:lat (nth c_out 0) :lon (nth c_out 1)}
"EPSG:4979" {:lat (nth c_out 0) :lon (nth c_out 1) :h (nth c_out 2)}
"EPSG:4978" {:x (nth c_out 0) :y (nth c_out 1) :z (nth c_out 2)})))
(convert "EPSG:4326" (assoc (convert "EPSG:4978" {:lon 12.0 :lat 55.0}) :srs "EPSG:4978"))
(prefer-method print-method ICollection ValueType)
;; port of example from proj quick start guide
(def C (proj_context_create))
(def P (proj_create C "+proj=utm +zone=32 +datum=WGS84 +type=crs"))
(def G (proj_crs_get_geodetic_crs C P))
(def G2P (proj_create_crs_to_crs_from_pj C G P IntPtr/Zero nil))
(zipmap [:lat :lon] (proj_trans G2P PJ_INV (proj_trans G2P PJ_FWD (proj_coord 12.0 55.0 0.0 HUGE_VAL))))
;; Copenhagen
(def c_in (proj_coord 12.0 55.0 0.0 HUGE_VAL))
(def result1 (proj_trans G2P PJ_FWD c_in))
(def result2 (proj_trans G2P PJ_INV result1))
(proj_destroy P)
(proj_destroy G)
(proj_destroy G2P)
(proj_context_destroy C)
(def C (proj_context_create))
(def P3857
(proj_create C "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +k=1 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +type=crs"))
(def P4326 (proj_create C "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +type=crs"))
(def P4978 (proj_create C "+proj=geocent +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs"))
(def P4979 (proj_create C "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +type=crs"))
;(def G (proj_crs_get_geodetic_crs C P))
(def ToECEF (proj_create_crs_to_crs_from_pj C P4979 P4978 IntPtr/Zero nil))
(def ToECEF (proj_create_crs_to_crs C "EPSG:4979" "EPSG:4978" IntPtr/Zero))
;(def From4326To3857 (proj_create_crs_to_crs C "EPSG:4326" "EPSG:3857" IntPtr/Zero))
(def From4326To3857
(proj_create_crs_to_crs_from_pj C P4326 P3857 IntPtr/Zero nil))
(-> (proj_as_wkt C P4978 PJ_WKT2_2019 IntPtr/Zero) Marshal/PtrToStringAnsi println)
;PJ_AREA PROJ_DLL *proj_area_create(void);
;void PROJ_DLL proj_area_set_bbox(PJ_AREA *area,
; double west_lon_degree,
; double south_lat_degree,
; double east_lon_degree,
; double north_lat_degree);
;void PROJ_DLL proj_area_destroy(PJ_AREA* area);
(def proj_area_create
{:function-name "proj_area_create"
:arg-types []
:return-type IntPtr}))
(def proj_area_set_bbox
{:function-name "proj_area_set_bbox"
:arg-types [IntPtr, Double, Double, Double, Double]
:return-type nil}))
(def proj_area_destroy
{:function-name "proj_area_destroy"
:arg-types [IntPtr]
:return-type nil
:zero-means-success? true}))
(def A (proj_area_create))
(proj_area_set_bbox A 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0)
(proj_area_destroy A)
(type A)
;; alternatively: PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_create_crs_to_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *source_crs, const char *target_crs, PJ_AREA *area);
;; Copenhagen
(def c_in (proj_coord 12.0 55.0 0.0 HUGE_VAL))
;; Kokomo IN (coffee and donuts) tile 20/273406/395091
(def c_in (proj_coord -86.13334604281705 40.49210021094248 0.0 HUGE_VAL))
(def result
(proj_trans From4326To3857 #_ToECEF PJ_FWD c_in))
(defn from-4326-to-3857 [{:keys [lat lon]}]
(let [c_in (proj_coord lon lat 0.0 HUGE_VAL)
c_out (proj_trans From4326To3857 PJ_FWD c_in)]
{:x (nth c_out 0) :y (nth c_out 1)}))
(from-4326-to-3857 {:lat 55.0 :lon 12.0})
(proj_destroy P)
(proj_destroy G)
(proj_destroy G2P)
(proj_context_destroy C)
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To install PROJ on Windows, use the OSGeo4W 64 bit installer custom install and choose proj82-runtime . It will get deps for you.

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