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Last active December 13, 2022 09:07
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useTime() React hook
// useTime hook
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
export const useTime = (refreshCycle = 100) => {
// Returns the current time
// and queues re-renders every `refreshCycle` milliseconds (default: 100ms)
const [now, setNow] = useState(getTime());
useEffect(() => {
// Regularly set time in state
// (this will cause your component to re-render frequently)
const intervalId = setInterval(
() => setNow(getTime()),
// Cleanup interval
return () => clearInterval(intervalId);
// Specify dependencies for useEffect
}, [refreshCycle, setInterval, clearInterval, setNow, getTime]);
return now;
// getTime helper function
// (helpful for testing)
// (and for showing that this hook isn't specific to any datetime library)
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
export const getTime = () => {
// This implementation uses Luxon:
return DateTime.local();
// You can also use moment:
// return moment();
// Or just use native Date objects (in general, not a good move)
// return new Date();
// Or just use unix epoch timestamps (integers, no timezones)
// return (new Date()).getTime();
// Sample usage
import React from 'react';
// `end` prop should also be a Luxon DateTime, preferably in the future.
export const Countdown = ({ end }) => {
const now = useTime(200); // this countdown will queue a re-render every 200ms.
// (it will try to update every 200ms)
// Luxon `DateTime`:
const diff = end.diff(now);
// Luxon `Duration`:
const formattedDuration = diff.toFormat('h:m:s');
return (
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