Many people say "I hate my tests"
They kill your productivity when they're slow
A little change can break your tests (even if they shouldn't)
They're expensive
They are misery incarnate
Just delete some tests
- You may have too many tests testing the wrong tests
Unit Tests goals (not mentioning integration/end-to-end tests)
- Thorough
- Stable
- Fast
- Few (must be shortest possible proof)
Focus on messages
Objects are simple-minded black boxes (imagine a space capsule)
The object under test receives incoming messages, then sends outgoing messages
- Messages can be sent from itself to itself, but let's ignore them
Query messages return something and change nothing
Command messages return nothing, and changes something
We conflate commands and queries at your peril
Hidden side effects are the bane of programmers
Incoming query messages
- Wheel#diameter
- Assert the value sent back
- Test the interface, not the implementation
Incoming command messages
- Gear#set_cog
- Send the message, then assert the direct public side effect
Receiver of incoming message has sole responsibility for asserting the result / side affects
Don't test private methods
- It adds no safety, yet breaks when implementation changes
Outgoing query messages
- (Same rules as 'Sent to Self')
- Do not test outoging query messages (as long as there are no visible sie affects)
Outgoing command message
- Might assert the side effect (such as the state of the db)
- BUT this creates a dependency on a distant side effect
- This is an integration test
- Instead, inject a mock that expects a message
- This depends on the interface and message passings
- Might assert the side effect (such as the state of the db)
Caveat: Break a rule if it saves $$$ during development
BUT aren't they fragile?
Honor the contract
- Ensure test doubles stay in sync with the API
There's plenty of ways to use mocks/stubs that aren'te fragile
- bogus, quacky, rspec-fire, .and_call_original
Be a minimalist
Get proof enough
Use good judgement, so you can break them when you need to
Don't test more than once
Test the interface
Trust collaborators
Insist on simplicity
Practice! So one day you can love your tests
A thousand words, for reference: