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Last active February 16, 2022 07:08
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Explicit intro and elim pattern
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-partial-fields #-}
module Elim where
import Data.Kind
import Prelude
-- | A typeclass for introducing a type.
-- This is just a "smart constructor pattern".
class Intro b where
type To b a :: Type
produce :: To b a -> a -> b
-- | A typeclass for eliminating a type.
-- This is a "smart destructor" pattern, something which is less seen.
class Elim a where
type From a (c :: Type) :: Type
use :: From a c -> a -> c
-- Example: eliminator for Either:
data Either' a b c = Either'
{ left :: a -> c,
right :: b -> c
instance Elim (Either a b) where
type From (Either a b) c = Either' a b c
use Either' {..} = \case
Left x -> left x
Right x -> right x
-- Using it is like using the 'either' function:
example :: Either Int String -> String
example = use Either' {left = show, right = id}
data Foo
= Foo1 Int String
| Foo2 Int Int
data Foo' c = Foo'
{ foo1 :: Int -> String -> c,
foo2 :: Int -> Int -> c
instance Elim Foo where
type From Foo c = Foo' c
use Foo' {..} = \case
Foo1 x y -> foo1 x y
Foo2 x y -> foo2 x y
jam :: Either (Either Foo Foo) Foo -> String
jam =
{ left =
{ left =
{ foo1 = \x y -> show x ++ y,
foo2 = const (const "hello")
right =
{ foo1 = const (const "world"),
foo2 = \x y -> show (x + y)
right =
{ foo1 = \x y -> show x ++ y,
foo2 = \x y -> show x ++ show y
-- In the above cases the types we gave for `From a t` have just been isomorphic
-- to the type `a -> t`.
-- Things are more interesting when the type is /not/ isomorphic.
data Role = Admin | Regular
data Role' t = Role'
{ admin :: t,
regular :: t
instance Elim Role where
type From Role c = Role' c
use Role' {..} = \case
Admin -> admin
Regular -> regular
-- Internal user type, constructor not exported.
data User = User
{ name :: String,
role :: Role
instance Elim User where
-- By giving this type as the eliminator, we "force" users of our type to
-- discriminate on the role.
type From User c = From Role (String -> c)
use fromUser User {..} = use fromUser role name
-- E.g. in order to write this function, the user must use the 'use' function,
-- which requires them to give two different cases, one for each role.
giveAccess :: User -> Bool
giveAccess =
use $
{ admin = const True,
regular = (== "bill")
-- Since we don't export 'User', we better also provide a ToIntro:
instance Intro User where
type To User t = t -> String
-- this is a smart constructor where we enforce that all new users start off
-- as 'Regular'.
produce namer t =
{ name = namer t,
role = Regular
-- Another example where we hide implementation details:
-- unexported type
data Zim = Zim
{ zim :: Int,
zam :: Int,
zimzam :: Int -- this is an internal optimisation detail.
-- exported
data Zim' = Zim'
{ zim :: Int,
zam :: Int
instance Elim Zim where
type From Zim c = Zim' -> c
use f Zim {..} = f Zim' {..}
instance Intro Zim where
type To Zim t = t -> Zim'
produce f x =
let Zim' {..} = f x
in Zim {zimzam = zim + zam, ..}
fooo :: Zim -> String
fooo = use $ \Zim' {..} -> show zim ++ " and " ++ show zam
-- Another example:
-- quotient types, i.e. types which need to be normalised sometimes.
-- - internal code: normalise when needed
-- - 'use' and 'produce', which represent the interface to the outside world,
-- - normalise.
-- Another example:
data Bar = Bar Int Int
-- In this case we declare that there are two usual ways to eliminate a 'Bar':
-- One can think of this as a declarative way to give all "covering"
-- pattern-match collections a user should use.
data Bar' t
= -- | One case where you are mainly interested in if they sum to 100, in
-- which case only one field is relevant:
{ yes :: Int -> t,
no :: Int -> Int -> t
| -- | And another case where you are interested in if they are equal:
{ equal :: Int -> t,
unequal :: Int -> Int -> t
instance Elim Bar where
type From Bar t = Bar' t
use Sum100 {..} (Bar x y)
| x + y == 100 = yes x
| otherwise = no x y
use Diag {..} (Bar x y)
| x == y = equal x
| otherwise = unequal x y
-- We can choose how to build a 'Bar':
example2 :: Bar -> String
example2 =
{ equal = \x -> "both are " ++ show x,
unequal = \x y -> show x ++ "/=" ++ show y
example3 :: Bar -> String
example3 =
{ yes = \x -> "yay 100! : " ++ show x,
no = \_ _ -> "still some ways to go.."
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