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James Hwang jameshwang

  • San Francisco, CA
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jameshwang / gist:11152265
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
Refactoring subscription method in Account
def subscription
if parent.present?
elsif current_subscription &&
elsif cancelled?
subscriptions.detect { |sub| sub.cancelled? } || subscriptions.first
subscriptions.detect(&:active?) || subscriptions.first
jameshwang / gist:8643520
Created January 27, 2014 05:03
Custom filters in AngularJS
angular.module('datePickerFilter', [])
.filter('greaterThanDate', ['$filter', function($filter) {
return function(rows, date) {
return $filter('filter')(rows, function(row) { return row.occurredAt > date });
.filter('lessThanDate', ['$filter', function($filter) {
return function(rows, date) {
return $filter('filter')(rows, function(row) { return row.occurredAt < date });
jameshwang / gist:7618874
Created November 23, 2013 19:30
Example of a subscription_change_presenter but with a better name
require 'subscription_change_controller'
describe SubscriptionChangeController do
let(:account) { double('account', update_subscription: true) }
let(:finance) { double('finance', notify: true) }
let(:sales) { double('sales', notify: true) }
it "updates the account" do
expect(account).to receive(:update_subscription)
jameshwang / gist:5992940
Created July 14, 2013 02:14
Changing author on all commits
git filter-branch -f --env-filter "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME='Author Name'; GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL='[email protected]';" HEAD

Refactoring Ruby Edition

Chapter 6: Composing Methods

Extract Method

Basically just take a block of code and move it out to its own method.

Make sure the variables are passed in as arguments.

Inline Method

Sometimes, we want to make methods to help clarify the code to the reader. However, sometimes, it may be best to just eliminate the method if it's a one liner and makes more sense by itself.

jameshwang / gist:5418276
Created April 19, 2013 05:08
Questions about TDD
  1. What should I test?
  2. How should I test things?
  3. How do I start trying to rewrite a test for an already given test?
  4. What is your workflow when applying TDD in existing code?
jameshwang / gist:5335044
Created April 8, 2013 08:00
Go Resources

Learning Golang


The Way to Go


Elementary default to a zero-value:

  1. int
  2. float
jameshwang / gist:5335032
Last active January 20, 2025 12:09
Notes on TDD Patterns

Test-Driven Development By Example: Kent Beck

Test-Driven Development Patterns

  1. Isolate Test: If 1 test breaks, it should be 1 problem to fix. Likewise, if 2 break, then 2 fixes. It shouldn't be that 10 test break and 1 fix fixes them all. Isolating tests encourages you to compose solutions out of many highly cohesive, loosely coupled objects.
  2. Test List: Before beginning, write a list of all the tests. However, this doesn't mean write the tests, it means list them. If you write a bunch of tests all at once, you break the cycle of Red, Green, Refactor.
  3. Test First: write tests before you write code. Writing tests first helps you think about design and also helps you focus
  4. Assert First: try to write your assert/expect/should first. It will show what you want to have pass. Then work backwards to "how" you will make that assert pass. What will you have to setup, mock, stub, etc.
  5. Test Data: Try to use real data that makes sense to the reader. Potentially fixtures and factories
  6. Evident
jameshwang / gist:5109227
Last active December 14, 2015 15:39
Notes on the POODR book

#OOD for Ruby Notes

##Chapter 1: Object-Oriented Design

  • The world is procedural. One step at a time (like a script).
  • OO is about the objects that message back and forth between each other
  • You have to "Design" code because that code WILL change. If it never changed, then you can code it whatever way you want and it wouldn't matter.
  • By sending a message, the sender has to know something about the receiver. This of course means there's a dependency. And the key to OOD is MANAGING dependencies.
  • There is always a battle between what needs to get done NOW vs creating something that is designed better that will take more time. This balance will come with experience (I HOPE)
  • Agile is the method that allows design to be an iterative process. This allows for better OO design as well.
package main
import (