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Created November 9, 2018 23:40
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Learn you parsing
// This code will teach you how to write a simple recursive descent parser.
// Corners will be cut, but by the end you will have the basis of most
// programming languages out there: strings, numbers, identifiers, and
// infix arithmetic expressions with precendence.
// At under 100 lines, I promise it won't take long. Happy Hacking!
// -- James Keane
// First the source code has to be tokenized, for the parser.
// Let's do five tokens, and ignore whitespace:
// 1. operators (+, -, *, etc.)
// 2. identifiers (variable_name, funcName, etc.)
// 3. numbers (1234, 3.1459, 0.0, etc)
// 4. strings ('hello', etc.)
// 5. control flow ({, }, ;, etc)
tokenize = (s) => (s === '') ? [] : (
.filter((s) => !s.match(/^\s*$/))
// A better tokenizer would keep track of line and column positions, stream
// symbols or objects with meaning so that we wouldn't need to repeat ourselves.
// Now let's repeat ourselves and start building the parser rules bottom up.
let t = [], i = 0;
// Starting simple, we'll match basic tokens that are direct AST values:
string = () => /^\'[^\']*\'$/.test(t[i]) ?
{ type: 'string', value: t[i].slice(1, t[i++].length - 1) } : paren();
number = () => /^[0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?$/.test(t[i]) ?
{ type: 'number', value: parseInt(t[i++], 10) } : string();
identifier = () => /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$/.test(t[i]) ?
{ type: 'identifier', ident: t[i++] } : number();
// Notice how each rule tries to match it's corresponding token regex, and if
// it fails it calls the 'up' rule? That's recursive descent; we're just writing
// it 'upside down' because it's easier that way.
// In the `string` rule, you might've noticed that it's calling into a missing
// symbol `paren`? Remember that, it's important; it will be defined later.
// The basic idea behind recursive descent is to parse the source top down, i.e.
// we have a `program` => `statement`[] => `ifstmt` | `funcdef` | (`expression` + ';')
// etc.
// Let continue defining our expressions, with some mathematical operators.
// First though let's make a small helper since they all work pretty much the
// same way. Inside the helper, there is a subtle trick that handles operator
// precendence: the lhs calls down, but the rhs calls it self.
// This is the kind of flexibility that you just don't get with a parser
// generator.
op = (sym, lhs) => () => {
const l = lhs();
return (t[i] !== sym) ? l :
{ type: 'operator', lhs: l, op: t[i++], rhs: op(sym, lhs)() };
// now for the operators, in (reverse) precedence order
divide = op('/', identifier);
modulo = op('%', divide)
multiply = op('*', modulo);
minus = op('-', multiply);
add = op('+', minus);
// Let's stop for a second and walk through how we just did that. Consider
// `a * 3 + b` and think about what will happen if we call `add`. Don't worry if
// it takes a while to think it through, this is the hardest part.
// The final piece is `paren`, it ties it up from the beginning! and allows for
// expressions to be wrapped by parentheses to control precedence
expression = add;
paren = () => {
if (t[i] !== '(') return null;
const next = expression();
if (t[i++] !== ')') throw Error(`Unclosed parentheses at position ${i}.`);
return next;
// all that's left is the parser entrypoint
module.exports = parse = (source) => {
i = 0, t = tokenize(source);
return expression();
// proof is in the pudding
console.log( parse(`a * 3 + b`) );
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