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Created December 11, 2013 00:28
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YOW! 2013

Safety not Guaranteed

  • Interesting examples from companies applying alternative product management practices
  • Nothing overly practical to apply immediately, but it gives some good references to refer back to when considering how this applies to your team on the ground
  • Attend if you like hearing about alternative product management techniques

Beyond the JVM

  • Overly technical deep dive into changes needed to be made to the JVM to better support dynamic and interpreted languages
  • Structured as responses to criticisms of the JVM from Charles' followers on Twitter, which was a nice way to go through the content
  • Don't attend unless you are interested in very low-level JVM improvements and how people like Charles are trying to improve the JVM

Creating Observable APIs with Rx

  • Ben gives a nice introduction to Reactive Extensions for those who haven't come across it in detail before
  • Didn't have enough interesting examples of how to use it for my liking
  • Don't attend if you know enough about Rx to hold a conversation about it

The SOLID Design Principles Deconstructed

  • I thought this was going to be about how to apply SOLID to infrastructure and microservices
  • Was actually a review of the SOLID principles as they relate to software dev
  • Still my favourite talk of the day, and Kevlin is a great speaker!
  • Great reminder to always question things you would normally take for granted
  • He shows some less-than-obvious but really interesting flaws in SOLID
  • Great point on not using the word "principles" when we mean "practices"
  • Attend regardless of who you are!

Solving the Hard Problem of Concurrency

  • Best use of live code examples of the day, even if they were written ahead of time
  • Gives a nice take on the degree to which we should focus on explicit or implicit concurrency

Career Advice for Programmers

  • No concrete practical takeaways
  • It's nice to see someone talk openly about their career choices
  • Gotta love hindsight ;)

Programming in Time

  • Attend this session unless you like missing out things and don't want to be able to share an amazing experience which you most likely won't have come across before
  • Seriously, you want to go to this session. Seriously!
  • If you don't believe me, you'll be able to find a video on YouTube
  • I won't link to it here so I don't ruin the experience for those who want to go in with no expectations
  • This should have been one of the keynotes
  • Nothing else I can say will do it any sort of justice


  • Great talk from someone who is passionate about a pragmatic, well thought out approach to web application security
  • Using a tool like Repsheet should be mandatory for any serious web application which needs to be secured
  • He structures the talk as an overview of different attacks which can be made against a web app and
  • He then shows how Repsheet can give you an easy way to tie solutions to these attacks together in a reasonable architecture
  • Attend this talk if you know you should be doing more about securing your web applications but don't know where to start

Cloud Native Architecture at Netflix

  • Very cool to hear directly from Adrian about how Netflix does what they do
  • Unfortunately it's hard to link that back to anything practical
  • Attend if you like big numbers

Move Fast and Ship Things

  • Half of the talk is about the general dev culture at Facebook
  • The other half is about Joel's experience with the HipHop VM team he works on
  • Unfortunately a lot of the graphs he shows are heavily redacted
  • It's great to hear directly from someone working at Facebook about their actual experiences
  • Attend if you want to know more about how feature branches are merged, deployments are scheduled, bugs are linked to the dev responsible, etc.

No App is an Island

  • Stew does a great job of explaining REST and why full-REST (rather than "RESTful") are important
  • I didn't learn anything new here unfortunately
  • Don't attend if you know what the Richardson Maturity Model is, or have heard Jim Webber talk about this stuff a few years ago

How Best to Blend a Domain-Specific Language into a Host Language?

  • Overly technical talk about how to use monads to build low-level functional patterns which he calls "DSLs"
  • Has very little connection to any type of DSL I'd ever expect to work on.
  • Don't attend unless you have a beard, refuse to admit OO exists, and take your coffee with a dash of FP
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