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Last active January 26, 2021 10:18
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A list of terminal commands I always forget because I infrequently need them

Forgotten Commands


Remove accidently tracked files/folders from git and keep local.

$ git rm --cached -r <somedir/file/regex>

Undo previous unpushed commits, keeping the changes, for better commit message.

$ git reset --soft HEAD~<number-of-commits-to-undo>

Change last commit message.

$ git commit --amend -m "new commit message"

Append to last commit on update commit message.

$ git add new_file.ext
$ git commit --amend -m "new commit message"

Update branches to show newly created branches by others.

$ git remote update origin --prune


Installing from github repo with ssh

# version
# - commit: "{commit-id}"
# - branch: "{branch-name}"
# - release: "v{version-number}"
$ pipenv install -e git+ssh://[email protected]/{username}/{repo-name}.git@{version}#egg={package-name}

upgrading one dependancy without the others:

  1. Figure out the version you want to install, in my case the latests requests, 25.2.1
  2. pipenv install --keep-outdated 'requests==25.2.1' will just update to that version
  3. verify Pipfile.lock shows new version, then git checkout -- Pipfile to revert to what you had before, in my case requests = "*"
  4. verify correct version is installed: $ pipenv graph | ack requests # or grep
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