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Created March 18, 2019 15:51
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  • Save jameswolff96/66ce803b4a784a6be520e16a99ef40c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Added fix for when batch file is in a sub-directory with a space in it. eg: in the GTAV directory
echo off
set gtavpath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V"
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo gta v1.27 (steam) downgrader/upgrader
echo if you have any issues contact me on twitch or discord
echo - illuminati7777
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo 1) downgrade from latest to 1.27
echo 2) upgrade from 1.27 to latest
set /p m=type 1 or 2 then press enter:
if %m% == 1 goto :downgrade
if %m% == 2 goto :upgrade
cd %gtavpath%
echo backing up old files and copying 1.27 files
move GTA5.exe GTA5.exe.bk
move GTAVLauncher.exe GTAVLauncher.exe.bk
move steam_api64.dll steam_api64.dll.bk
move update\update.rpf update\update.rpf.bk
copy "%~dp0\GTA5.exe" GTA5.exe
copy "%~dp0\GTAVLauncher.exe" GTAVLauncher.exe
copy "%~dp0\steam_api64.dll" steam_api64.dll
copy "%~dp0\update.rpf" update\update.rpf
echo uninstalling social club (please click yes in the popup)
start /b /wait "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\Social Club\uninstallRGSCRedistributable.exe"
echo installing old social club
start /b /wait "" "%~dp0\Social-Club-v1.1.7.8-Setup.exe"
goto finished
cd %gtavpath%
echo replacing original files
move GTA5.exe.bk GTA5.exe
move GTAVLauncher.exe.bk GTAVLauncher.exe
move steam_api64.dll.bk steam_api64.dll
move update\update.rpf.bk update\update.rpf
echo uninstalling social club (please click yes in the popup)
start /b /wait "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\Social Club\uninstallRGSCRedistributable.exe"
echo installing new social club
start /b /wait Installers\Social-Club-Setup.exe
goto finished
echo finished
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