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Last active September 17, 2016 07:14
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Uniform Cost Search in python
# Head ends here
import heapq
class Node:
def __init__(self, point,parent=None):
self.point = point
self.parent = parent
def nextMove( x, y, pacman_x, pacman_y, food_x, food_y, grid):
path = ucs((pacman_x,pacman_y),(food_x,food_y),(x,y),grid)
if path != None:
print len(path) - 1
print '\n'.join([str(i[0]) + " " + str(i[1]) for i in path])
def children(point,size,grid):
x,y = point
size_x, size_y = size
children = [(x-1, y),(x,y - 1),(x,y + 1),(x+1,y)]
return [child for child in children if grid[child[0]][child[1]] != '%']
def ucs(node,goal,size,grid):
#Initialize the queue with the root node
q = [(0,node,[])]
#The list of seen items
seen = {}
#While the queue isn't empty
while q:
#Pop the cost, point and path from the queue
cost, point, path = heapq.heappop(q)
#If it has been seen, and has a lower cost, bail
if seen.has_key(point) and seen[point] < cost:
#Update the path
path = path + [point]
#If we have found the goal, return the point
if point == goal:
return path
#Loop through the children
for child in children(point,size,grid):
#Calculate the basic cost
child_cost = 1 if i == goal else 0
#If the child hasn't been seen
if child not in seen:
#Add it to the heap
#Add the point to the seen items
seen[point] = cost
return None
# Tail starts here
pacman_x, pacman_y = [ int(i) for i in raw_input().strip().split() ]
food_x, food_y = [ int(i) for i in raw_input().strip().split() ]
x,y = [ int(i) for i in raw_input().strip().split() ]
grid = []
for i in xrange(0, x):
nextMove(x, y, pacman_x, pacman_y, food_x, food_y, grid)
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