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Created November 22, 2020 22:55
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import React, { createContext, useState, useContext, Dispatch, SetStateAction } from "react";
export interface GlobalStateInterface {
firstname: string;
lastname: string;
age: string;
const GlobalStateContext = createContext({
state: {} as Partial<GlobalStateInterface>,
setState: {} as Dispatch<SetStateAction<Partial<GlobalStateInterface>>>,
const GlobalStateProvider = ({
value = {} as GlobalStateInterface,
}: {
children: React.ReactNode;
value?: Partial<GlobalStateInterface>;
}) => {
const [state, setState] = useState(value);
return (
<GlobalStateContext.Provider value={{ state, setState }}>
const useGlobalState = () => {
const context = useContext(GlobalStateContext);
if (!context) {
throw new Error("useGlobalState must be used within a GlobalStateContext");
return context;
export { GlobalStateProvider, useGlobalState };
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