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Created November 6, 2013 08:23
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import keystoneclient
import novaclient
# Simple
auth = keystoneclient.PasswordAuth(username='jamie', password='cool')
s = keystoneclient.Session(cacert='ca.pem', cert='client.pem', key='key.pem',
# will send an authenticated request to a full url
# using the service catalog
s.get('/v3/users', service='identity', region='local')
another_client = keystoneclient.Client(session=s, region='local')
# exactly the same as the above get
# i don't need the client cert for nova so i need to create a new session obj
# this is already authenticated and has the token and service catalog
s2 = keystoneclient.Session(auth=auth)
n = novaclient.Client(session=s)
# Unauthenticated
s.get('/v2.0', authenticated=False, service='identity')
unauthed = keystoneclient.Session(cert='client.pem') # no auth
unauthed_client = myserviceclient.Session() # no auth
# advanced topics:
# trusts and scoping
s.rescope(roles=['roleA'], save_as='only_A')
# maintaining limited auth for trusts and scope
s.get('', connection='only_A')
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