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Created June 21, 2011 20:53
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#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Behavior.h"
#include <math.h>
//Adjust the gain constants to tune the controller response
float Behavior::g_fMaxSpeed = 10.0f;
float Behavior::g_fMaxAccel = 10.0f;
float Behavior::g_fKNeighborhood = 100.0f;
float Behavior::g_fOriKv = 1.0; // Orientation
float Behavior::g_fOriKp = 1.0;
float Behavior::g_fVelKv = 1.0; // Velocity
float Behavior::g_fAgentRadius = 2.0;
Behavior::Behavior(const char* name) : m_name(name)
Behavior::Behavior(const Behavior& orig) : m_name(orig.m_name)
const std::string& Behavior::GetName() const
return m_name;
// Given an actor and desired velocity, calculate a corresponding force
vec3 Behavior::CalculateForce(Actor& actor, const vec3& dvel)
vec3 trueDvel = CalculateDesiredVelocity(actor);
return actor.mass * (trueDvel - actor.linearVelocity);
// Given an actor and desired velocity, calculate a corresponding torque
vec3 Behavior::CalculateTorque(Actor &actor, const vec3& dvel)
// 1. Get current rotation matrix
mat3 matCurrentRotation(actor.globalOrientation);
// 2. Construct desired rotation matrix
// (This corresponds to facing in the direction of our desired velocity)
// Note: Z points forwards; Y Points UP; and X points left
vec3 y(0,1,0), z(dvel), x = y.Cross(z);
mat3 matDesiredRotation(x, y, dvel);
matDesiredRotation = matDesiredRotation.Transpose();
//// 3. Compute the change in rotation matrix that will
//// rotate the actor towards our desired rotation
mat3 matDeltaRotation = matDesiredRotation * matCurrentRotation.Transpose();
//mat3 axisAngleMatrix = desiredRotation * currentRotation.Transpose();
//// 4. Construct quaternion to get axis and angle from dr
vec3 axis; float angleRad;
Quaternion quatDeltaRotation = matDeltaRotation.ToQuaternion();
quatDeltaRotation.ToAxisAngle(axis, angleRad);
//// find torque
vec3 w = actor.angularVelocity;
mat3 I = actor.globalInertialTensor;
vec3 Iw = I * w;
vec3 diff = g_fOriKp * axis - g_fOriKv * w;
vec3 torque = w.Cross(Iw) + (I * diff);
return torque;
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