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Created June 24, 2011 02:35
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#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Avoid.h"
#include "Arrival.h"
float Avoid::g_fKAvoid = 1000.0f;
float Avoid::g_fTAvoid = 5.0f;
float Avoid::g_fDistanceAvoid = 10.0f;
Avoid::Avoid(vec3 target, const std::vector<Obstacle>& obstacles) :
Behavior("avoid"), m_pTarget(target), m_pObstacles(obstacles)
Avoid::Avoid(const Avoid& orig) :
Behavior(orig), m_pTarget(orig.m_pTarget), m_pObstacles(orig.m_pObstacles)
Behavior* Avoid::Clone() const
return new Avoid(*this);
m_pTarget = vec3(0,0,0);
vec3 Avoid::CalculateDesiredVelocity(Actor& actor) {
return CalculateDesiredVelocityTangential(actor);
// Given the actor, return a desired velocity in world coordinates
// If an actor is near an obstacle, avoid adds either a tangential or
// normal response velocity
vec3 Avoid::CalculateDesiredVelocityTangential(Actor& actor)
Arrival arrival(m_pTarget);
vec3 desired;
vec3 v_arrival = arrival.CalculateDesiredVelocity(actor);
float r_B = 1.2; // radius of the actor
// makes actors stop right at the target
if(v_arrival.Length() < 5.0f) return v_arrival;
std::vector<Obstacle>::const_iterator it;
for(it = m_pObstacles.begin(); it != m_pObstacles.end(); ++it)
Obstacle obstacle = *it;
vec3 d_world = obstacle.globalPosition - actor.globalPosition;
vec3 d_local = actor.globalOrientation * d_world; // @todo change this
float L_B = g_fTAvoid * actor.linearVelocity.Length();
vec3 d_x(d_local[VX], 0, 0);
vec3 d_y(0, d_local[VY], 0);
vec3 nhat_avoid_part = (L_B * d_x / d_x.Length()) - d_local;
vec3 nhat_avoid = nhat_avoid_part / nhat_avoid_part.Length();
vec3 khat_avoid = (actor.linearVelocity.Cross(d_local)) /
(actor.linearVelocity.Length() * d_local.Length());
vec3 that_avoid = khat_avoid.Cross(nhat_avoid);
float r_0 = obstacle.radius;
// the projected position of the actor
vec3 actorNewPosition = actor.globalPosition + actor.linearVelocity;
float rb_r0 = r_B + r_0;
// default the maginitude at 0
float v_avoid_mag = 0;
v_avoid_mag = (g_fKAvoid * g_fMaxSpeed) /
(1 + pow((d_local.Length() - rb_r0), 2));
vec3 v_avoid = v_avoid_mag * that_avoid;
desired += v_avoid;
return 0.3 * clippedVelocity(desired) + 0.7 * v_arrival;
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