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Created June 18, 2011 18:00
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Save jamiltron/1033340 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Tiny Forsight, trying to figure out error
#lang racket
(define *prompt* "> ")
(define *dictionary* '(("+" add-f)))
(define (push item stack)
(cons item stack))
(define (pop stack)
(rest stack))
(define (pop-2 stack)
(rest (rest stack)))
(define (mk-binary op)
(lambda (stack)
(op (second stack) (first stack))
(pop-2 stack))))
(define add-f (mk-binary +))
(define (tokenize str)
(define (splitter str i last stop sep)
((eq? i stop)
(cons (substring str last stop) '()))
((equal? (string-ref str i) sep)
(cons (substring str last i) (splitter str (+ i 1) (+ i 1) stop sep)))
(splitter str (+ i 1) last stop sep))))
(splitter str 0 0 (string-length str) #\space))
(define (dict-get key dict)
((null? dict)
((equal? key (first (first dict)))
(first (rest (first dict))))
(dict-get key (rest dict)))))
(define (interpret-f input d-stack)
((null? input)
((string->number (first input))
(interpret-f (rest input) (push (string->number (first input)) d-stack)))
(let ((fun-f (dict-get (first input) *dictionary*)))
(interpret-f (rest input) ((eval fun-f) d-stack))))))
(define (repl-f d-stack)
(display *prompt*)
(let* ((input (read-line))
(new-stack (interpret-f (tokenize input) d-stack)))
(repl-f new-stack)))
(repl-f '())
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